The Olympics - Similarities and differences Supporting education in Ethiopia A shared learning activity (SLA) is not included for the third term, given insufficient time for exchanging materials before the summer holidays – please share your response to previous SLAs on the theme of the Olympics if you have not already done so.
Key:gold = countries winning at least one gold medalblue = countries winning no medals silver = countries winning at least one silver medal red = countries that did not participate brown = countries winning at least one bronze medal Supporting education in Ethiopia Map of medals won in 2012 Olympics Can you find the UK and Ethiopia? How did they do?
Supporting education in Ethiopia Tirunesh DibabaChris Hoy Can you think of any reasons for this? In the 2012 Olympics: All of Ethiopia’s medals were for long distance running. Most of Team GB’s medals were for cycling, rowing and athletics.
Supporting education in Ethiopia Sport is popular in both Ethiopia and the UK
In and around London, new stadiums, other sports facilities and attractions were built for the 2012 Olympics. Supporting education in Ethiopia
While in Ambo, Ethiopia, new stadiums and other sports facilities were built for the Ethiopian Higher Education Sports Festival.
Both events had opening ceremonies with processions, fireworks and music. Supporting education in Ethiopia
Both had lots of volunteers ready to welcome visitors Supporting education in Ethiopia
Taidor, a basketball player for Ambo University, said of the Higher Education Sports Festival “I expect that Ambo students will welcome athletes from other universities and that the visitors will like Ambo. I don’t think we will win many medals.” Supporting education in Ethiopia
Joe from London said of the Olympics, “Everyone who takes part in it should be given a medal. Not everyone can do it. If not, you try, try again. That's what the British would do isn't it?” John from Edinburgh said, “I think it is essential that Britain does well in the Olympics because it restores a bit of national pride and uplifts the nation.” Do you think winning medals is important or is it most important for people to take part and do their best? Supporting education in Ethiopia
The BBC asked people from 21 different countries if winning medals at the Olympics affects their pride in their country. On average, 67% said it affected their pride ‘a lot’ or ‘some’.
Supporting education in Ethiopia But there were big differences between countries: Half the people from the UK said it affected their national pride. More than nine out of ten of people from Kenya (a country next to Ethiopia) said the same. What would make you feel proud of your country?
Supporting education in Ethiopia What similarities did you notice between UK and Ethiopia? Did you notice any differences?