Facts On Our Solar System By: Becky Early and Tara Swope Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
The Sun The Sun is considered a medium-sized star. The Sun looks much bigger than other stars because it is closer to the Earth than most stars. The Sun is 60 times hotter than boiling water. The Sun is a huge ball of hot glowing gases. Without the Sun’s energy Earth, would be dark and nothing could live on Earth. The planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun. The Sun’s name in Latin is Sol.
~Mercury~ Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Mercury is rocky with a large metal core made of iron and nickel. Mercury has the shortest year of 89 days. Mercury has no moons. Mercury’s day is 59 of our days.
~Venus~ Venus is the 2 nd Planet from the Sun. Venus has 225 days in a year. Venus rotates every 243 days. Venus has no moons. Venus atmosphere is made mostly of carbon dioxide. Venus rotates the opposite way of Earth. Venus can be seen right before sun rise and right before sun set.
Earth ~ Earth is the third planet from the sun! Earth days are days in a year! Earth is the 5 th largest planet. Earth rotates in a 23 hour and 26mins a day! Earth has one moon; Luna. Earth has a rocky crust and solid core made of iron! Earth is the only planet that supports life.
Mars Mars is the 4 th planet from the Sun. Mars has 687 days in a year. Mars has 24 hours and 37 minutes in a day. Mars has 2 moons. Mars has no running water. Mars is extremely dusty. Mars has large amounts of iron. Mars is the only planet that we plan to send people to in the near future.
Jupiter Jupiter is the 5 th planet from the Sun. Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar system. Jupiter has 16 moons. Jupiter rotates once every 10 hours. Jupiter has 1 ring made of millions of particles. Jupiter is made mostly of gas.
~Saturn~ Saturn is the second biggest planet 6 th biggest planet from the sun. Saturn is mostly made of oxygen. Saturn has 10 hour days. Saturn has 18 moons and many rings about 1 km each. Saturn orbits every 29 earth years.
~Uranus~ Uranus is the 7 th planet from the sun. Uranus spins on it side on a 90 degree angle. Uranus is mostly made of hydrogen and helium. Uranus has at least 15 moons. Uranus’ as many rings Uranus’ day is 18 hours and its years is 84 years.
~Neptune~ Neptune is the 8 th planet from the Sun. Neptune is made of rock water and liquid methane. Neptune can not be seen with the naked eye. Neptune has 8 moons and Titian is the largest. Neptune’s year is 165 days. Neptune’s day is 17 hours.
Pluto Pluto is the 9 th planet from the Sun. Pluto is the smallest planet. Pluto has a 249 day year. Pluto can sometimes be the 8 th because its orbit is in an oval motion. Pluto is more like the inner planets than the outer planets. Pluto has one moon named Charon.
Eris Eris is the largest dwarf planet known, was discovered in an ongoing survey. Eris is almost 10 billion miles from the sun. Eris is more than 3 times more distant than the next closest planet, Pluto and takes more than twice as long to orbit the sun as Pluto. Eris is a new planet!
~Credits~ the-sun-globally.gif rnplaneturanus-a4caopo0405f-thumb.jpg Miles, Lisa and Smith, Alastair, The Complete Book Of Astronomy and Space, ( Scholastic, INC., 1998)
~The End~ We hope you enjoyed our presentation! ~Thank you~