FROM THE HISTIRY O THE OLIMPIC GAMES Ученицы 7 «б» класса МБОУ СОШ № 1 Братковой Алисы Учитель: Оганян Анжела Аванесовна
The emergence of the Olympic Games belong to the distant past. The ancient Greeks created many beautiful legends telling of how the Olympic Games there.One of the oldest is the legend of Pelops, who mentions the Roman poet Ovid in his "Metamorphoses" and the ancient Greek poet Pindar. Pelops, son of Tantalus, described in the legend, when the king of Troy, IL won his hometown Sipilä, left home and went to the shores of Greece. In the south of Greece, he found the peninsula and settled on it. Since then, this became known as the Peloponnese peninsula. One day he saw a beautiful woman Gipodamiyu Pelops - the daughter of Oenomaus. Oenomaus was king Pisy, a city located in the north-west of the Peloponnese, in the valley of the river Alpheus.
Pelosi fell in love with a beautiful daughter of Oenomaus, and decided to ask the king for her hand. But this proved to be not so easy. The fact that the oracle had predicted Oenomaus husband's death at the hands of his daughter. To avoid this fate Oenomaus decided not to give his daughter in marriage. But how? How to deny all applicants to hand Gipodamii? Many worthy suitors spoken for beautiful princess. No reason to deny all Oenomaus and could not come up with ill- condition: he would give Gipodamiyu marry only one who beat him in the chariot races, but if he will be the winner, the loser has to pay life. In Greece was not equal in the art of Oenomaus manage chariot, and his horses are swifter than the wind. One after another came to the palace Oenomaus young people who were not afraid of losing his life, just to get a beautiful wife Gipodamiyu. And all of them killed Oenomaus, and so nepovadno others had come to woo, head nailed to the door of the victims of the palace. But that did not stop Pelopsa.
He decided to outwit the cruel ruler Pisy. Pelops secretly agreed with the charioteer of Oenomaus Mirtilom that he did not put the pin that holds the wheel on the axle. Before the beginning of the competition Oenomaus, sure, as always, in the success of Pelops offered to start the race alone. Chariot of the bride takes off and Oenomaus leisurely brings great sacrifice to Zeus the Thunderer, and only then rushes after him. For chariot Oenomaus reached Pelops, son of Tantalus is already feeling the hot breath of the horses Pisy king, he turns around and sees the king with a triumphant laugh, brandishing a spear. But at this point, with the axes of the wheels come off the chariot Oenomaus, the chariot overturned, and cruel king falls dead to the ground. With the triumph of Pelops returned to SAU, married a beautiful Gipodamiyu, took over the whole realm Oenomaus and in honor of his victory gave the Olympia sports festival, which has decided to repeat every four years. He decided to outwit the cruel ruler Pisy. Pelops secretly agreed with the charioteer of Oenomaus Mirtilom that he did not put the pin that holds the wheel on the axle. Before the beginning of the competition Oenomaus, sure, as always, in the success of Pelops offered to start the race alone. Chariot of the bride takes off and Oenomaus leisurely brings great sacrifice to Zeus the Thunderer, and only then rushes after him. For chariot Oenomaus reached Pelops, son of Tantalus is already feeling the hot breath of the horses Pisy king, he turns around and sees the king with a triumphant laugh, brandishing a spear. But at this point, with the axes of the wheels come off the chariot Oenomaus, the chariot overturned, and cruel king falls dead to the ground. With the triumph of Pelops returned to SAU, married a beautiful Gipodamiyu, took over the whole realm Oenomaus and in honor of his victory gave the Olympia sports festival, which has decided to repeat every four years.
Other legends say that in Olympia near the grave of Crohn's father Zeus, competitions on the run. And as if they organized Zeus himself, who thus celebrated victory over his father, made him master of the world. But perhaps the most popular in ancient times was a legend, which mentions in his songs in honor of the winners of the Olympic Games Pindar. According to this legend, the game is based Hercules after accomplishment of his sixth feat - cleaning barnyard Avgiya king of Elis. Augeas had an incalculable wealth. Especially numerous were his flock. Hercules offered Avgiyu clean in one day all of his huge yard, if he agrees to give him a tenth of their flocks. Augeas agreed, believing that this kind of work done in one day is impossible. Hercules broke on two opposite sides of the wall that surrounded the barnyard, and brought him into the water of the river Alpheus. The water in one day carried away all the manure from the barnyard, and Hercules again folded wall.
. When Hercules came to Avgiyu claim awards, the king did not give him anything, and even kicked him out.Hercules terrible revenge on the king of Elis. With a large army he invaded Elis, defeated in a bloody battle Augeas and killed his deadly arrow. After the victory of Hercules gathered an army and all the booty from the city Pisy, offered sacrifices to the gods, and established an Olympic Olympic games held since then every four years on the sacred plain, lined by olive trees, Hercules, dedicated to the goddess Pallas Athene. There are many other versions of the emergence and establishment of the Olympic Games, but all of these versions, often mythological origins remain versions.According to the undisputed signs appearance Olympic Games belongs to the IX century BC. e. In those days, the heavy war ravaged the Greek state. Ifit - the king of Elis, a small Greek State in whose territory the Olympia - sent to Delphi to consult the oracle as he is the king of a small country can protect its people against the war and plunder.
Delphic predictor, prophecies, and whose advice were considered infallible, advised Ifit:"I need you to established games, pleasing the gods!" Ifit immediately goes to a meeting with his powerful neighbor - king Lycurgus of Sparta. Obviously, Ifit was a good diplomat, as Lycurgus decided that from now Elis should be recognized as a neutral state. And all the little fragmented state, endlessly warring with each other, agree with this decision. Ifit immediately to prove their peaceful aspirations and thank the gods, established "athletic games, which will be held in Olympia every four years." Hence the name of - the Olympic Games. This occurred in 884 BC. e. Thus, in Greece the custom by which every four years in the midst of internecine wars kept putting weapons aside and went to Olympia to admire harmoniously developed by athletes and praise the gods.
The Olympic Games have become a national event that united all of Greece, whereas before and after Greece is a set of separate, warring states. After some time, the Greeks had the idea to create a single calendar Olympics. It was decided to hold the games regularly every four goals "between the harvest and the vintage." Olympic feast, which consisted of many religious ceremonies and sporting events, first performed in one day, and then - within five days, and the duration of the holiday later reached a month. When the holiday lasted only one day, it is usually arranged on the eighteenth day of the "sacred month", begins with the first full moon after the summer solstice. The holiday was repeated every four years, and who were "Olympiad" - Greek Olympic year.
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