Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles University of Michigan Mars Rover Team Advisor – Professor Nilton Renno, PhD May 24, 2005 RASC-AL Forum 2005
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Overview University of Michigan Mars Rover Team Challenge: surface mobility for planetary exploration Solution: sustainable development plan of universal chassis Approach Core technologies Detailed design Development and testing plan Design study conclusions Outreach
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Michigan Mars Rover Team Student research group founded in 2000 Designs, fabricates, and tests manned ground vehicles for planetary exploration Inspires and educates students about space exploration
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Mobility Challenges Mars Exploration Rovers Speed: 0.18 km/hr Payload: 45 kg Future Capabilities Speed: 20 km/hr Payload: 3000 kg Support long-range, long-term human operations
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Sustainable Development Plan Leverage automotive technology Develop standard components for a universal chassis design Chassis support of multiple payload modules Spiral development of the chassis classes for the Moon, then Mars
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Approach to Challenges Develop the concept Determine functional requirements for surface mobility Classify functional requirements into chassis size classes Determine universal technologies that fulfill multiple functions Research current status of technologies Determine future technology requirements for universal chassis design Propose development program
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Concept of the Universal Modular Chassis Developmental Advantages More thorough design and testing Reutilization of research resources Standardization of procedures and equipment Operational Advantages Less total launch mass Increased redundancy and mission flexibility Increased crew experience Disadvantages Unused subsidiary capabilities Design complexity
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Functional Requirements Pre-EVA scouting EVA assistance Single-person mobility Short-range crew transport (50 km) Equipment transport (300 kg) Nuclear reactor transport (3000 kg) Long-range, pressurized crew transport (2000 km) Road grading Creating banks of soil
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Classifications
Core Technologies Interfaces and modularity Computing Drive control Hub motors Mobility Fuel cells and fuel storage
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Interfaces and Modularity Chassis must provide Power Communication with modules Structural support Thermal control Allows for body modularity and chassis universality
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Computing Software and hardware modularity Modular development infrastructure Autonomous or semi- autonomous operation
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Drive Control Eliminates hydraulic and mechanical linkages Reduces launch mass Robust and redundant control Incorporates both autonomy and human control Commercial automotive solution in rad-hard applicable
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Hub Motors Power individual wheels Greater motion control Interface with electronic drive control Higher efficiency and redundancy
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Mobility CompanyTRLProducts GM4Hummer (Front: Torsion bar & gas shocks, Rear: Multi- Link w/ var. rate coils & gas shocks, 4 17" by 8.5" wheels) Boeing9Lunar Rover (double horizontal wishbone, 4 wheels) Peugeot4Quark ATV (triangular wishbone, 4 17" wheels) JPL9MER/MSL (Rocker-Bogie, 6 wheels) John Deere and iRobot 4R-Gator (4 wheels) Vehicle mobility is dependent on suspension and wheels Suspension Reduces effects of rough terrain Supports vehicle weight Maintains wheel contact for sufficient traction Controls direction of travel Wheels Critical to overcoming obstacles Reduce effects of inconsistent terrain
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Fuel Cells and Fuel Storage Power system affects design, capabilities, and mission architecture Fuel cells More efficient than other power systems Adaptable Scalable Easily configured to fit universal chassis platforms Fuel storage Liquid methane and oxygen Pressurized tanks CompanyTRLProducts GM6PEM Fuel Cells (129 kW/100 kg) Honda4FCX Fuel Cells (80kW)
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Design Overview Universal chassis comparison Small chassis design Medium chassis design Large chassis design Modularity example
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Universal Chassis Comparison 1m 0.6m 0.3m 1.9m2.5m 4.5m 1.9m 3.0m 4.8m 1.2m 1.7m 2.5m 120 kW 2000 kW-hr 16kW 24 kW-hr 8 kW 6 kW-hr 2000 kg 400 kg 250 kg 3000 kg 300 kg 150 kg Payload capacity
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Small Chassis Design Hub Motors Reformer Methane Storage Oxygen Storage Computing Mobility Fuel Cell Interfaces 0.6 m
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Medium Chassis Design Hub Motors Reformer Methane Storage Oxygen Storage Fuel Cell Mobility Computing Interfaces 1.0 m
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Large Chassis Design Hub Motors Reformer Methane Storage Oxygen Storage Fuel Cell Mobility Computing Interfaces 2.0 m
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Modularity Example The same small chassis can support both ATV and EVA assistant functions and can be reconfigured in the field
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Chassis Development Objectives
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Development Plan Small Chassis Medium Chassis Large Chassis Integration Research Development Integration Research Development IntegrationResearchDevelopment
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Testing Plan Critical Elements to Test Testing Approach & Support Needed Testing Venues & Benefits Radiation hardened electronics Dust control Adequate mobility level Reliability Autonomy Earth-based facilities Ground-based simulator Field tests Near-Earth Flight Tests None identified Lunar Tests Low-gravity mobility and dust control Mars Robotic Missions Key to providing Martian terrain and hazard data Earth Computer simulation Analog ground base (field) testing Near-Earth Flight Tests No apparent benefits Lunar Tests Surface operation for system validation Mars Robotic Missions Mars robotic missions are key to providing Martian environmental data (dust, thermal, radiation, terrain, hazards)
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Conclusions Universal chassis concept will support a sustainable development program for planetary ground vehicles Cost sharing with other technology sources will reduce development expenses Development must start immediately for small chassis to be operational by 2010
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Outreach: Everest Analog science rover Crew of 3 explorers for one week of off-road travel US Army FMTV chassis Drive control station, living and working accommodations, science glovebox, airlock Tours for more than 2000 visitors Tested in field science operations at Mars Desert Research Station
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Outreach: Events Annual Outreach Events Since 2000 Museum EventsResearch Conference Presentations Media Interviews Great Space Adventuress Tech Day Sally Ride Science Festival Aerospace Day K-grams Kids Festival Grand Rapids Kids Fair UM Summer Science and Engineering Programs UM Exhibit Museum Kalamazoo Tech Center Detroit Science Center Cranbrook Science Institute Mars Society Convention MIT Mars Week Mars Society Canada Mars Day UM American Astronautical Society Detroit Channel 4 Television News Michigan Daily Fuel Cells Today Lunar Enterprise Daily Red Planet Satellite Report Defense Week Houston Chronicle Ann Arbor News Michigan Radio
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles Outreach: Published Papers Paulson, A., Green, W., Rowland, C., (2003). “Analog Pressurized Mars Rover Design,” Martian Expedition Planning, S&T v107, pp Vanderwyst, A., Beyer, J., Passow, C., Paulson, A., Rowland, C., (2003). “Power Generation and Energy Usage in a Pressurized Mars Rover,” Martian Expedition Planning, S&T v107, pp
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground VehiclesSponsors Apollo Energy Systems Generac Power Systems, Inc. RTI, Real-Time Innovations Alcoa Ronco Plastics Contractors Steel Company Sheraton Palo Alto Lockheed Martin 3Com Plascore Superior Oldsmobile Cadillac GMC Trucks Lineo Trinco Dry-Blast Cobra Electronics Corporation Walt Michael’s RV Fudgie Pastie UltraHeat Michigan Aerospace Ronco Plastics Boeing Premier Power Welder Pull Pal Thetford Acme Mills Coy Laboratory Products, Inc Cantelon Designs Anderson Paint Company Lowe’s Woodhouse Company Brighton Electric General Motors Aker Plastics StarTech Builder’s Plumbing Supply Builder’s Carpet Supply Navy EOD TechDiv National Automotive Center Michigan Space Grant Mars Transport
Universal Chassis for Modular Ground Vehicles The University of Michigan Mars Rover Team will continue to research and develop ground vehicles. We welcome partners who share this goal.
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