Chinese 2 Lesson plan Sep.8-Sep.12 Objectives: TEKS: 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A, To learn and be able to identify and say Chinese phonics, Order food and drink in Chinese Dialy conversation: Do you understand? No./ Yes. How are you? I am good./ So so./ Not good.
Monday objectives: Teks 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a. 3b. 4a warm up: review new words The teacher will teach the new words, conversation goal: 1) the students will be able to identify the new words and say it aloud with the help of pinyin 2) The students will watch the video and be able to retell the story of Moon Festival introduction of Moon Festival, at least 4 facts. 3) the students will be able to say : Happy Moon Festival! What do you want to drink/ eat? how: practice new words on quizlet festival-flash-cards/
Warm up: Please fill in the right letter to the blank. 1.___ 你 Nǐ , a. Mèimei younger sister 2.___ 我 Wǒ , b. Māma mom 3.___ 好 Hǎo adj, adv, c. teacher 4.___ 叫 Jiào d. and 5.___ 什么 shénme e. Jĭejie elder sister 6.___ 名字 míngzì f. name 7.___ 爱 Ài n, v. G. love 8.___ 老师 Lǎoshī h. Bà Ba dad 9.___ 学生 Xuéshēng i. Nǎinai grandma 10.___ 和 he j. Yéye grandpa 11.___ 弟弟 k. Dìdi younger brother 12.___ 哥哥 l. Gēge elder brother 13.___ 奶奶 m. student 14.___ 爷爷 n. what 15.___ 爸爸 o. ‘s name is 16.___ 妈妈 p. you 17.___ 妹妹 q. good 18.___ 姐姐 r. I, me,
New words 1: students will be able to identify and pronounce the words. 1. 中秋节 Moon Festival 2. 茶 v. tea 3. 吃 v. eat 4. 喝 v. drink 5. 果汁 v. juice 6. 可乐 n. cola 7. 水 n. water 8. 雪碧 n. sprite 9. 快乐 adv. Adj. happy 10. 赏月 verb phrase. appreciate the moon
voc.quiz ___1. 喝 a. chī v. to eat ___2. 中秋节 b. hē v. to drink ___3. 雪碧 c. guǒzhī v. juice ___4. 果汁 d. chá v. tea ___5. 赏月 e. kělè n. cola ___6. 茶 f. xuěbì n. sprite ___7. 吃 g. shuǐ n. water ___8. 快乐 h. kuàilè adv. Adj. happy ____9. 可乐 i. Shǎng yuè verb phrase. appreciate the moon ____10. 水 j. Zhōngqīujíe Moon Festival
中秋节快乐! Happy Moon Festival!
dialogue A: 你想喝什么 Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme? What do you want to drink? B: 我想喝水 Wǒ xiǎng hē shuǐ 。 I want water. A: 你想吃什么 Nǐ xiǎng chī shénme ? What do you want to eat? B: 我想吃月饼 Wǒ xiǎng chī yuèbǐng 。 I want to eat moon cake.
Tuesday objectives TEKS: 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A, Review the 10 new words and learn the other 7 new words Watch the video and tell legend of Houyi and Chang-e Learn Chinese phonics: initial sounds ; b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, g, k, h, j, q, x, zh, ch, sh, z, c, s, Pinyin 6CF3AC9C 6CF3AC9C What is your name? Daily Conversation A: 你懂不懂 Nǐ dǒng bù dǒng? Do you understand? B: 懂 / 不懂 Dǒng/ bù dǒng. Yes, I understand! / No, I don’t! Hw: practice new words on quizlet cards/ cards/
Voc.2 1. 月饼 yuèbǐng moon cake 2. 柚子 yòuzi pomelo 3. 太阳 tàiyáng sun 4. 月亮 yuèlìang the moon 5. 八月十五日 bā yuè shíwǔ rì August 15th 6. 月 yuè n. month 7. 日 rì n. day 8. 汉堡包 hamburger Hànbǎobāo 9. 三明治 sānmíngzhì sandwich 10. 皮 / 披萨 pí sà pizza 11. 牛排 niúpái steak 12.Bbq =BBQ
Warm up : students can have 90% accuracy Match the English with Chinese. Put right answer into the blank. __1 。我爱妹妹。 A. She is a teacher. __2 。她是老师 。 B. It is Frank. __3 。这是爷爷。 C. I love my little sis. __4 。这是奶奶。 D. This is grandma. __5 。他是我弟弟。 E. This is grandpa. __6 。她是我姐姐。 F. She is my big sister. __7 。它是 Frank 。 G. He is my little bro.
Initials B, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, g, k, h, Link: phonic Q Q Dgs, Dgs O_U O_U
Wednesday objectives TEKS: 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A, The students will( TSW) learn the initials: j, q, x, zh, ch, sh, r, z, c, s, y, w TSW review new words voc.1 and voc.2 Video: 1IMQ 1IMQ TSW practice the initials with their shoulder partners with their initial sounds flash cards.
Initials: part 2 Activity: TSW practice reading the initials in pair. B, p, m,f D, t, n, l, G, k, h, j, q, x, zh, ch, sh, r, z, c, s, y, w
Initials with words D: 大 Dà T :他 tā L :蓝色 Lán sè n: 奶奶 Nǎinai G: 哥哥 Gēgē K : 可乐 Kělè cola H: 和 Hé and j: 姐姐 Jiejie Q: 七 Qī seven X: 洗 Xǐ Z: 字 Zì C: 瓷 Cí S: 丝 Sī silk Zh : 这 Zhè this Ch: 吃 Chī to eat Shi : 是 Shì to be
Thursday objectives 星期四 TEKS : 2A, 2b, 3A , 3B , TTW review new words with students TTW review the words of food and drink. The students will be able to answer order food and drink. TSW be able to identify the new words and know how to use them Voc2. quiz Conversation: order food and drink 你想吃什么? 你想喝什么? Hw: make food for Moon Festival
Voc. quiz ___1. 牛排 a, yuèbǐng moon cake ___2. 日 b. yòuzi pomelo ___3. 皮萨 c. tàiyáng sun ___4. 三明治 d. yuèlìang the moon ___5. 汉堡包 e. bā yuè shíwǔ rì August 15th ___6. 月 f.yuè n. month ___7. 柚子 g. rì n. day ___8. 八月十五日 h.hamburger Hànbǎobāo ___9. 月亮 i.sānmíngzhìsandwitch ___10. 太阳 j. pí sà pizza ___11. 月饼 k. niúpáisteak ___12. Bbq l. =BBQ
Friday objectives Moon Festival celebration It is a test grade. Students will order drink and food from the waiter or waitress with the conversation we learned to get the oral grade which is 50%.