International Conference “TZ Praha 2012” The Voice of Construction Crafts and SMEs in Europe Riccardo VIAGGI 19th November 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

International Conference “TZ Praha 2012” The Voice of Construction Crafts and SMEs in Europe Riccardo VIAGGI 19th November 2012

Construction sector in Europe Construction sector in Europe 3 million companies 10.7% of EU GDP3 million companies 10.7% of EU GDP 13 million workers 99% - SMEs 92% micro-enterprises99% - SMEs 92% micro-enterprisesEBC 20 members + partners20 members + partners 2 million enterprises2 million enterprises Chair of the UEAPME construction forumChair of the UEAPME construction forum European Builders Confederation The Voice of Construction Crafts and SMEs in Europe

EPBD Scope: new and existing buildingsScope: new and existing buildings Ambitious concept of « nearly zero energy buildings »Ambitious concept of « nearly zero energy buildings » Minimum energy performance requirementsMinimum energy performance requirements Provision of Energy Performance CertificatesProvision of Energy Performance Certificates Guidance and training available to professionalsGuidance and training available to professionals Financial incentivesFinancial incentives

Encountered barriers for the Implementation of the EPBD Encountered barriers for the Implementation of the EPBD

OSH CARD Not on the current European Agenda Not on the current European Agenda Lead to a social identity card for the construction sector: Lead to a social identity card for the construction sector:Employer Professional Skills Safety and Health requirements See CSCS Card system in the UK

Update on 2020 Objectives 20% of reduction of Greenhouse emmissions 20% of reduction of Greenhouse emmissions Directive 2009/29/EC 20% of use of Energy from Renewable Sources Directive 2009/28/EC 20% of use of Energy from Renewable Sources Directive 2009/28/EC 20% of Energy Efficiency 20% of Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency Plan COM(2011) 109 final NEW Energy Efficiency Directive

Energy Efficiency Directive 11/09/2012 Main provisions: 3% renovation rate for public buildings owned and occupied by central government Energy companies  reduction of 1,5% of their annual energy sale Incentives for SMEs to undergo Energy audits Obligation to ensure Certification & Qualification schemes Establishment of a long-term strategy to make the stock building more energy efficient by 2050

EBC current activities for EE in buildings Shelter Project Shelter Project Action Plan for the Sustainable Competitiveness of the Construction sector Action Plan for the Sustainable Competitiveness of the Construction sector Forthcoming Communication in 2013 on sustainable buildings Forthcoming Communication in 2013 on sustainable buildings

EU campaigns for EE in buildings  PUBLIC SUPPORT - European Concerted Action ->  RESEARCH – Data Hub for the Energy Perfomance of Buildings ->  PRIVATE CAMPAIGN - Renovate Europe -> ->

Thank you for your attention Riccardo VIAGGI Secretary General