Feeling EUROPE Foundation and beyond?
Feeling EUROPE Foundation Europe’s merits (postmodern era): peace, security and prosperity single market (incl. approach influencing global companies) currency union on education, the Erasmus+ programme free trade agenda (largest trade power in the world) reform of financial sector agrees ‘2020 growth strategy’ largest aid donor in the world All these merits are the result of common decisions of member states
Feeling EUROPE Foundation The European Union is seen as the most successful integration experiment of all time and the largest area with a common prosperity in human history
Feeling EUROPE Foundation You would think everything is right with Europe. But what image does the EU conjure up? And is Europe really functioning properly? Standard Eurobarometer 82, Autumn 2014 (European Commission)
Feeling EUROPE Foundation Counteracting pressures / business to finish: economics & money: Greece away from the brink and protecting the eurozone from economic and financial crisis ; foreign & security policy: appeasement of conflict Ukraine_Russia, counteracting terrorism, a strict but fair migration policy, and more union in European defence; energy & climate: integration of energy-markets, energy governance (European Agency), energy demand, collaboration and coordination, and smart grids are in further progress; humanitarian, institutional aspects, and European identity: Greece away from the brink, a modern construction of the European Union, strengthening, create perspectives for better human conditions, and build on and spread ideas for an European identity.
Feeling EUROPE Foundation True talks and narratives about Europe apps for Europe
Feeling EUROPE Foundation Step by step, and when needed using the concept of differentiated integration and approach of multi-level governance, Europe is fixing its problems on economy, finance and in politics. Europe is on the road of more unity. But as we know, Europe is growing to search a form and finding its way very often due to major setbacks. “Only together we can make sure that the freedom of opportunities we have built in the last decades can be there also for the future generations and for the present generations all around our borders”.
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