Programming Languages Meeting 6 September 30, 2014 October 1, 2014
Short Exam Answers Problem 1: Grammar of expressions Problem 2: Semicolons, binding, statements
Short Exam Reprise Focused on Problem 2(c) Steps to developing a grammar for the programming language of the problem Submit by 5:00 pm, Friday, October 3, 2014, to my mailbox in MSC 159. Consult only with the instructor. Those following the instructions exactly and getting the right answers will have 12 marks add to their exam score.
SE Reprise (2) The problem says that the first production in the grammar is: ::= program Notes: is the start symbol program is a terminal symbol
SE Reprise (3) Question 2(c)i asks you to create the second production for the grammar ::= _________________ Hint: Review slides 1.16, 1.17, 1.32, and the first syntax exercise to discover how sequences are constructed.
SE Reprise (4) The third production is the answer to 2(c)ii. Fill in the six blanks with the six options occurring in the program. Give each option a meaningful name. ::= _______ | ______ | ______ | _______ | ______| ______
SE Reprise (5) The next six productions are the complete answer to 2(c)iii. Each defines the syntax of a particular statement type listed in the previous production. Do not refine the productions by including more productions to define other syntactic categories. Use just one production for each statement type.
SE Reprise (6) Your complete answer should have exactly 9 productions, no more, no less. The first three will describe the syntactic categories,,. The other six will describe the various statement types.
Program Functions We’ll take some time to work on the homework problem (PFE I.4) assuming range of −maxint..maxint: if y>0 then x := x-1; y := y-1; x := x-y; y := 0 fi
Program Functions (2) And the related problem (PFE I.5) assuming range of 0.. maxint: if y>0 then x := x-1; y := y-1; fi; x := x-y; y := 0
Program Functions (3) And the one with more moving parts, PFE II.5 with range 0..maxint x := x + a; while x <> b do x := x + a
Program Functions (4) And finally PFE II.4 with range −maxint..maxint while x <> b do x := x + a The solution for this one is left for you to try again and submit by Friday, October 10. Remember homework problems are to be individual effort. Consult only with the instructor.
Project 1 Class will not meet on October 7/8 Instead, the classes will divide into teams of 3 and investigate a common programming language structure in a simplified programming setting. Take a few minutes now and form your teams. Choose someone from the team to send me an with the team member names and addresses.
Project 1 – Step 1 Syntax of a float: ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 ::= + | − ::= { } ::= [ ] ::=. [E ]
Step 1 (2) Step 1.0. Determine the terminal symbols of the grammar for float. Step 1.1. For each possible path coming from the BNF, give an example of a float defined by that path. Step 1.2. Add a production (or several) to the grammar to define a normalized integer and a normalized float. Normalization removes leading zeros except for a single zero before a decimal point.
Step 1 (3) Step 1.3 Develop a grammar for a text file as a sequence of lines, and a line as a sequence of characters. Step 1.4 Verify that your grammar is correct by using the Unix wc command or its equivalent on various samples of text files. Submit your answers to Step 1.0 through 1.3 by 4:00 pm on October 7 either as a Word document attached to an message sent to me or as a handwritten solution placed in my mailbox.
Project 1 – Step 2 Choose one of three languages in which your team will write its programs: C, Java, Python 3.4 Assume that the only way to read information from a file is one character at a time, using the getc function defined as:
getc int newline = 10; int endfile = -1; // declare and initialize type character = ; // declare a new type function getc(var c:character): character; // var = value/result char ch; // declare ch as char, the built-in character type if eof // eof is the text file end-of-file then c := endfile else if eoln // eoln is the text file end-of-line then readln; // readln skips to the first character in the next line c := newline else read(ch); // read is the function that reads text files c := ord(ch); // ord is the function that produces the // ASCII value of a character return( c )
Project 1 – Step 2 (2) Step 2. Code getc in your chosen language (C, Java, Python 3.4) and test it thoroughly. Note: You will have to figure out how to check for end of file and end of line in your language. You will also have to figure out how to move to reading characters in the next line, how to read a single character at a time, and how to convert a character to its ASCII code.
Project 1 – Step 3 Step 3. Design, code and thoroughly test a function called getfloat that will read from a text file using getc and return the value of the first (normalized) real number, defined by the syntax above, that it encounters on the current line. The next slide contains more detailed specifications.
Project 1 – Step 3 (2) Assumptions and specifications: Assume there is white space preceding any real number or that the real number starts at the beginning of the line. Assume that the real number is terminated by the first character encountered that does not fit the specified syntax. If there is no real number found on a given line, getfloat returns 0.0.
Project 1 – Step 4 Step 4. Write a program that reads an arbitrary text file using getfloat and prints the list of real numbers it returns (one per text line) and the sum of those numbers, labeled as the sum.
Project 1 – Step 4 (2) For example, when the input file is quidditch A 1.23 the printed output is Sum = 2.04
Project 1 - Submission Due date: October 21/22, 2014 What to submit: Source code for three programs – getc – getfloat – main (the program that reads an arbitrary text file looking for real numbers) Attach the source code to an . I will attempt to compile the source code and execute it against several input files.
Project 1 - Hints Comments in source code are very helpful One team member could take on the role of tester, trying to break the program is a fine float 0.13E-4 is a fine float 1.08E03 is not a float
Functions, Methods, etc. Segmenting programs is an old technique producing program parts known by many names: Function Subroutine Procedure Method Operator Subprogram
Functions (2) All segmentation strategies involve: Input values Local variables Output values We look in detail at the mechanisms provided by various programming languages using the semantic categories from before: Env, Ide, Loc, Store, V*, M, …
Functions (3) Syntax issues: Defining the function Using (invoking) the function
Defining Functions Need to specify: Name – Kind: function, procedure, operator, … – Type of output Parameters – Name – Type – Mode
Output Values Produced in several ways Appear as parameter values: – foofun(x,y) takes x and computes y – Modes of y: result, reference – Can handle arbitrary type as output
Output Values (2) Return in function name – Follows structure in mathematics log(x) – Easy to work with in expressions – Implemented with RETURN statement Assignment to function name
Output Values (3) Side effect to global variable Action but no state change – Print – Write to file
Simple Functions Specialize to One or two arguments (parameters) of same type One value of same type as arguments Monadic or dyadic operators
Simple Functions (2) Implementation strategies Mix operators and functions – Typical, mimics mathematics: 1+log(4) Operators only – Use symbols for functions Monadic functions only – Use list structure for several arguments
Subprogram Calls and Returns Need to specify for calls: 1.Parameter passing mechanism (mode) 2.Allocation of storage for local variables and binding to names 3.Making global variables visible 4.Saving execution status of calling program unit 5.Transfer of control to subprogram code
Calls and Returns (2) Need to specify for return 1.Moving values to output parameters 2.Deallocating storage 3.Resetting variable access 4.Returning control to calling program
Semantics of Parameter Passing Consider five ways of parameter passing: 1.Value 2.Result 3.Value-Result 4.Reference (aka Location) 5.Name
Semantics (2) In each case, we’ll assume a parameter list specified in the header of the procedure as (x1, x2, …). These are the formal parameters. We’ll assume a call foofun(a1,a2, …). The a’s are the actual parameters. Here’s what happens in each scenario.
Pass by Value 1.Bind local parameters to locations: Element of Env becomes x1 -> loc 1 x2 -> loc 2 If x1 or x2 or … were bound to locations before invocation, those bindings are saved as part of the transfer of control
Pass by Value (2) 2.Bind values of actual parameters to these locations. Assume a1 -> loc 50 -> v1 Then bind loc 1 to v1, changing the element of the Store 3.Execute subprogram
Pass by Value (3) 4.Break the bindings of the local parameters to locations. Either the element of Env shows x1 -> unbound or x1 -> location saved on entry
Pass by Result 1.Bind local parameters to locations: Element of Env becomes x1 -> loc 1 x2 -> loc 2 If x1 or x2 or … were bound to locations before invocation, those bindings are saved as part of the transfer of control
Pass by Result (2) 2.Execute subprogram 3.Copy values of local parameters to locations of actual parameters x1 -> loc 1 -> v1 a1 -> loc 50 Bind loc 50 -> v1
Pass by Result (3) 4.Break the bindings of the local parameters to locations. Either the element of Env shows x1 -> unbound or x1 -> location saved on entry
Pass by Value-Result 1.Bind local parameters to locations: Element of Env becomes x1 -> loc 1 x2 -> loc 2 If x1 or x2 or … were bound to locations before invocation, those bindings are saved as part of the transfer of control
Pass by Value-Result (2) 2.Bind values of actual parameters to these locations. Assume a1 -> loc 50 -> v1 Then bind loc 1 to v1, changing the element of the Store 3.Execute subprogram
Pass by Value-Result (3) 3.Copy values of local parameters to locations of actual parameters x1 -> loc 1 -> v1 a1 -> loc 50 Bind loc 50 -> v1
Pass by Value-Result (4) 4.Break the bindings of the local parameters to locations. Either the element of Env shows x1 -> unbound or x1 -> location saved on entry
Pass by Reference 1.Bind local parameters to locations of actual parameters: If a1 -> loc 50, a2 -> loc 51, … then Element of Env becomes x1 -> loc 50 x2 -> loc 51, etc If x1 or x2 or … were bound to locations before invocation, those bindings are saved as part of the transfer of control
Pass by Reference (2) 2.Execute subprogram
Pass by Reference (3) 3.Break the bindings of the local parameters to locations. Either the element of Env shows x1 -> unbound or x1 -> location saved on entry
Pass by Name 1.Bind local parameters to rexp of actual parameters If a1 is given as string1 then x1 is assumed to be string1 etc If x1 or x2 or … were bound to locations before invocation, those bindings are saved as part of the transfer of control.
Pass by Name (2) 2.Execute subprogram
Pass by Name (3) 3.Break the bindings of the local parameters to strings (of code) Either the element of Env shows x1 -> unbound or x1 -> location saved on entry
Example 1 Your turn: For the following procedure and calling program, determine the elements of Env and Store at the four points indicated by the comments. Make this determination for each of the five ways of passing parameters from calling programs to procedures.
Example 1 (2) procedure swap(int x, int y); int temp; // Show Env element and Store element temp := x; x := y; y := temp; // Show Env element and Store element end swap;
Example 1 (3) int I; int A[10]; I := 3; A[I] := 6; // Show Env element and Store element swap(I, A[I]); // Show Env element and Store element
Task Summary Due 5:00 pm, Friday, October 3. Written solution to Short Exam problem 2(c) put in my mailbox in MSC 159. Due 4:00 pm, Tuesday, October 7. Team solution to Step 1 of Project 1 either as a Word document sent as an attachment or as a printed copy put in my mailbox in MSC 159. Due 5:00 pm, Friday, October 10. Revised solution to Program Function exercise II.4 assuming range −maxint..maxint put in my mailbox in MSC 159. Due October 21/22. Project 1 code. See project specs for details.