OUTLINE Partners & Funding Contributions Project Eligibility Application Process Program Timelines Program Contact Information PAGE 2
PARTNERS AND FUNDING CONTRIBUTIONS $7.5 million partnership to support ~ 15 qualified projects >Up to $500,000/project in cash and in-kind contributions OCE provides funding up to $100,000 / project >The industry partner must provide a minimum of 2:1 cash and in-kind >i.e. if OCE contributes $100,000, the industry contribution must be a minimum of $100,000 in cash and $100,000 in-kind (overhead is eligible) NSERC will match the industry cash and in-kind contributions up to $200,000 (not including overhead) PAGE 3
PROJECT ELIGIBILITY R&D projects must leverage the unique research strengths of SOSCIP Consortium members and the advanced computing infrastructure (e.g., Blue Gene/Q, Cloud, Agile, etc.) Priority will be given to R&D projects that address one or more of the following areas − advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity, digital media, mining − with a demonstrated immediate benefit to the industry leading to novel, processes, products or services OCE, NSERC and matching industry funds will flow to the academic partner(s), who must be affiliated with one of the members of the SOSCIP Consortium Projects must be NSERC CRD / ARD eligible PAGE 4
PROJECT ELIGIBILITY Technology Readiness Level PAGE 5
ACADEMIC PARTNER ELIGIBILITY Academic partner eligibility (Applicant): Researchers must be affiliated with one of the members of the SOSCIP Consortium >Carleton University, Wilfrid Laurier University, McMaster University, Queen’s University, the University of Ontario Institute for Technology, the University of Ottawa, Ryerson University, the University of Toronto, the University of Waterloo, Western University, and York University Applicants from a university / college must have a faculty appointment with their institution PAGE 6
INDUSTRY PARTNER ELIGIBILITY Industry partner eligibility (Project Partner): Projects must include at least one investing industry partner Must be a for profit, Ontario based company (R&D presence and/or manufacturing facility in Ontario) Large companies and small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Industry partner must provide a 2:1 cash and in-kind matching requirement PAGE 7
APPLICATION PROCESS: OVERVIEW Two-Stage Application Process: 1.Submit Expression of Interest Proposal (EOI) to OCE 2.Successful EOI Applicants will be invited to submit a full application to NSERC CRD or ARD program PAGE 8
APPLICATION PROCESS & STEPS: STAGE 1: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Stage 1: Expression of Interest (EOI) Eligible applicants must submit EOI using the OCE On-line application system initiated through a OCE BD or Application Support A complete submission includes the EOI questions that can be downloaded from the program guidelines and other components in the on-line application Contact either an OCE BD or Application Support to ensure you have a user name / password and have initiated an application a minimum of 1 week before deadline PAGE 9
APPLICATION PROCESS & STEPS: STAGE 1: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Overview of Review Process: Submitted EOIs will undergo an OCE internal review for completeness EOIs are reviewed by an external review panel comprised of the SOSCIP Scientific Advisory Committee (SOSCIP SAC) Top ranked EOIs will be invited to submit full proposals through NSERC’s Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) or NSERC Applied Research & Development (ARD) programs PAGE 10
APPLICATION PROCESS & STEPS: STAGE 1: EOI DECISION-MAKING PROCESS Preference will be given to EOIs that: Demonstrate close industry-academic collaboration, provide economic benefit to Ontario and have a high potential to be commercialized and/or implemented Demonstrate an innovative approach to solving an important challenge Engage a medium-sized enterprise as an industry partner ( FTE) Engage or include training opportunities for post-doctoral fellows and graduate students Anticipate tangible deliverables (i.e., new technologies, processes, skills transfer, job creation, and other benefits to society) PAGE 11
APPLICATION PROCESS & STEPS: STAGE 2: NSERC FULL APPLICATION Stage 2: NSERC Full Application Selected EOIs are invited to submit full application for NSERC CRD or ARD grants Initial application draft to NSERC, including budget information and letter(s) of support Following feedback from NSERC on draft, a final application is submitted to NSERC NSERC applications are reviewed by NSERC’s external review process Upon NSERC approval, OCE standard agreement is signed and IP terms are defined by project participants, following SOSCIP IP terms Applicants have the opportunity to work with an OCE Business Development Manager through the EOI and Full Application process PAGE 12
APPLICATION TIMELINES DATEAPPLICATION STEPS May 2015 Call for EOIs Thursday, September 3, 2015 (by 5:00 pm) EOI deadline submission to OCE *create username / password and initiate an application at least 1 week before deadline Thursday, October 1, 2015 Panel reviews the EOIs and informs applicants of the results Monday, December 14, 2015 First draft of NSERC CRD/ARD application is due for invited candidates Monday, January 11, 2016 Final draft of NSERC CRD/ARD application is due for submission After April 2016 Approved project starts PAGE 13
PROGRAM CONTACT INFORMATION For general inquiries:For OCE BD assistance : Application Support (416) x2400 Lenny Freilich, MSc, MBA Industry Engagement High Performance Computing Program (416) x1007 Pamela Kanellis, PhD Program Manager (416) x1087 Saira Meese-Tamuri Business Development Manager (416) x1052 PAGE 14