By Mahmoud Moustafa Zidan Basic Sciences Department Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences Ain Shams University Under Supervision of Prof. Dr. Taymoor Nazmy Computer Science Department Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences Ain Shams University Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hashem Information Systems Department Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences Ain Shams University Dr. Haytham El-Messiry Computer Science Department Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences Ain Shams University
Introduction to RT, GI, GPU Previous Work (GI, Hierarchy Construction) Proposed Approach for Hierarchal Tree Construction Proposed Algorithm for Building Binned SAH BVH Proposed Approach for Parallel Ray Tracing and Photon Mapping Results Conclusion
Offline VS Interactive (Real-time) Rendering Rasterization Physically Based Rendering Reyes Rendering Precomputed Radiance Transfer Parallel Hieratical Tree Construction KD-Tree [Zhou et al. 2008] SAH BVH, LBVH [Lauterbach et al. 2009] Interactive (Real-time) GPU RT, GPU PM Real-time RT [Zhou et al. 2008] Interactive PM [Wang et al. 2009]
Data parallel utilities Data Parallel Primitive Algorithms (main building blocks for parallel algorithms) Data parallel operator Data parallel code fragment Parallel extensions to math/logic operators on GPU A simple reformulation of previous parallel algorithms on GPU
Pervious work GPU SAH BVH [Lauterbach et al. 2009] (high quality tree, slow construction) GPU LBVH [Lauterbach et al. 2009] (moderate (low) quality tree, fast construction) HLBVH
Evaluates SAH as (small) (variable) number of candidates (e.g. 32-4) is enough for good tree [instead of (large) (fixed) candidates in SAH BVH] Divide triangles into fixed size chunks for better work load Evaluates SAH at chunks and used parallel scans to share intermediate values of SAH (work efficiency) Also use LBVH to build higher tree levels for faster algorithms
Entire mapping of all rendering stages on GPU A simple reformulation of previous approaches for both ray tracing and photon mapping Evaluate proposed hierarchy for binned SAH BVH
Ray tracing evaluation
Witted ray tracing
Photon mapping
New approach for GPU parallel code which simplifies previous proposed algorithms Proposed fast algorithm for building BVH
New parallel template library (e.g. thrust) Use the LBVH appraoch for fast point-based KD-tree Enhance ray tracer for distributed effects Enhance photon mapping for area light