Phospholipid bilayer “Mosaic” of proteins The fluid-mosaic model
Carry out a cell’s functions: Cell division Energy generation Protein synthesis Synthesis of hormones Response to hormone signals Structure Motility Recycling of cell materials DNA replication RNA synthesis Transport across membrane Transport within cell Response to infection etc., etc., etc…. Proteins “What is the secret of life?” I asked. “I forget,” said Sandra. “Protein,” the bartender declared. “They found out something about protein.“ “Yeah,” said Sandra, “that's it.” --Kurt Vonnegut in Cat’s Cradle
Polymers of amino acids Proteins
Side chain gives distinctive chemical properties Amino acids
Protein = any of 20 amino acids arranged in any order Amino acids
Amino acids joined by peptide bonds Protein structure
Primary (1 ° ) structure = amino-acid sequence Protein structure methionineaspartateglycinephenylalaninevalinelysine N-Met-Asp-Gly-Phe-Val-Lys-C MDGFVK
Primary (1 ° ) structure = amino-acid sequence Protein structure Lysozyme, 211 amino acids: MetLeuGlyLysAsnAspProMetCysLeuValLeu ValLeuLeuGlyLeuThrAlaLeuLeuGlyIleCys GlnGlyGlyThrGlyCysTyrGlySerValSerArg IleAspThrThrGlyAlaSerCysArgThrAlaLys ProGluGlyLeuSerTyrCysGlyValArgAlaSer ArgThrIleAlaGluArgAspLeuGlySerMetAsn LysTyrLysValLeuIleLysArgValGlyGluAla LeuCysIleGluProAlaValIleAlaGlyIleIle SerArgGluSerHisAlaGlyLysIleLeuLysAsn GlyTrpGlyAspArgGlyAsnGlyPheGlyLeuMet GlnValAspLysArgTyrHisLysIleGluGlyThr TrpAsnGlyGluAlaHisIleArgGlnGlyThrArg IleLeuIleAspMetValLysLysIleGlnArgLys PheProArgTrpThrArgAspGlnGlnLeuLysGly GlyIleSerAlaTyrAsnAlaGlyValGlyAsnVal ArgSerTyrGluArgMetAspIleGlyThrLeuHis AspAspTyrSerAsnAspValValAlaArgAlaGln TyrPheLysGlnHisGlyTyr
Shape is critical to function! Enzyme binds substrate Antibody binds invading virus Transport protein binds specific molecule Protein structure HIV Protease
Folding determines 3D shape Amino-acid sequence determines folding Protein structure Lysozyme, 211 amino acids: MetLeuGlyLysAsnAspProMetCysLeuValLeu ValLeuLeuGlyLeuThrAlaLeuLeuGlyIleCys GlnGlyGlyThrGlyCysTyrGlySerValSerArg IleAspThrThrGlyAlaSerCysArgThrAlaLys ProGluGlyLeuSerTyrCysGlyValArgAlaSer ArgThrIleAlaGluArgAspLeuGlySerMetAsn LysTyrLysValLeuIleLysArgValGlyGluAla LeuCysIleGluProAlaValIleAlaGlyIleIle SerArgGluSerHisAlaGlyLysIleLeuLysAsn GlyTrpGlyAspArgGlyAsnGlyPheGlyLeuMet GlnValAspLysArgTyrHisLysIleGluGlyThr TrpAsnGlyGluAlaHisIleArgGlnGlyThrArg IleLeuIleAspMetValLysLysIleGlnArgLys PheProArgTrpThrArgAspGlnGlnLeuLysGly GlyIleSerAlaTyrAsnAlaGlyValGlyAsnVal ArgSerTyrGluArgMetAspIleGlyThrLeuHis AspAspTyrSerAsnAspValValAlaArgAlaGln TyrPheLysGlnHisGlyTyr
Secondary (2 ° ) structure = local folding Protein structure -helix -sheet
Held together by non-covalent interactions Protein structure
Tertiary (3 ° ) structure = overall 3D structure Protein structure
Tertiary (3 ° ) structure = overall 3D structure Protein structure myoglobin fatty acid binding protein CheY
Protein may fold into distinct domains Protein structure pyruvate kinase PEP + ADP → Pyruvate + ATP regulatory domain PEP binding domain ADP binding domain
Quaternary (4 ° ) structure = intermolecular interaction Protein structure
Quaternary (4 ° ) structure = intermolecular interaction Protein structure
Unfolding: disruption of non-covalent interactions Denaturation
Proteins can be denatured by heating Denaturation
Proteins have optimum temperature and pH for activity Denaturation temperature → protein function → pH → protein function → enzyme from Listeria bacteria enzyme from human cells enzyme from hot spring bacteria pepsin yeast enzyme human hemoglobin 737
What happens when a protein denatures, or misfolds? Denaturation
Prions: Pathogens without genes Normal form of Prion Protein is found in nerve cells but exact function is unknown. Abnormal form is folded in “sheets” rather than helices
Loss of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra in the midbrain. Loss of motor skills Parkinson’s Disease
alpha synuclein
Causes Parkinson’s Disease. Can be passed from cell to cell. Alpha-Synuclein JA Steiner et al. 2011
Trans-membrane (integral) proteins Peripheral membrane proteins Fluid-mosaic model
Rhodopsin structure retinal trans-membrane domain (hydrophobic)
RPE65 structure