1 Spills and Material Management ©2002 Dr. Bradley C Paul
2 Formulate Spill Prevention Need Spill Prevention and Response Plan Look at previous spill records to determine what areas are spill prone Look at whether recycling can reduce inventories available to spill See what a regular inspection program can do to reduce incidents
3 Spill Prevention Strategies Have standard filling procedures and set ups –jury-rigged filling from drums causes spills Have a spill response plan –employees must be aware of what plan is –need to have a spill response team –have a plan for notifying authorities if necessary including assignments of who will do
4 Helping Spill Response If spillable chemicals are bermed or in containment structures the spill impact will be localized and potentially not contactable by storm water Need to make sure that clean up equipment can get access to area –Don’t hose spill into the drain –EPA likes putting down sorbants to soak up
5 Sucking Up Spills Variety of materials available –Clays straws and fly ash are common and effective sorbants –polymers and beads are pricey –Don’t use ammonium nitrate and wood chips for diesel fuel There are gelling agents to solidify many larger spills for mechanical clean up
6 Have a Waste Management Plan Minimize handling and inventories Check incoming vehicles for leaks On Vehicles used for disposal –Include spill baffles for liquid wastes –use sealed gates and tarps for solids –include tire washes to limit tracking around site Try to keep wastes separated to improve the chances of recycling
7 More Waste Management Work on loading system efficiency to avoid spills during loading –Try to minimize fugitive emissions that may settle and become an issue Set up land fill like areas to minimize run-off –keep slopes under 6% –look for areas of low water table –try to avoid getting a groundwater issue out of it
8 Control Vehicle Washing Maintain well but wash only when absolutely needed Wash in designated areas only Use environmentally friendly phosphate free detergents