© CURRENT Group, Proprietary & Confidential1 currentgroup.com CURRENT Overview October, 2010
© CURRENT Group, Proprietary & Confidential2 currentgroup.com About Us The leader in Smart Grid with intelligent sensors and utility device management and analytic software solutions Locations include U.S., Europe, and Australia Enabler of Smart Grid communications, sensing and analytics platform for SmartGridCity TM with Xcel Energy Providing smart metering communications, advanced sensing and network management solutions to Iberdrola, the world’s 4th largest electric utility Collaborating with Iberdrola and others in EU-funded programs to develop European Smart Grid platform that enables an open standard for metering, integrated communication technologies, and advanced distribution management capabilities. Member of: GridWise Alliance, Smart Grid Australia, IEEE, European Consortiums (EU FP7 ADDRESS, EU FP7 OPEN, EU FP7 INTEGRIS, PRIME) and the Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy. Winner of: –2009 World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer 2009 VentureBeat Ten Top 10 innovations driving the future of the Smart Grid Go Green East 2009, 2010 Dow Jones 2008 Ten Most Innovative Clean Tech Companies in Europe Investors
© CURRENT Group, Proprietary & Confidential3 currentgroup.com “... a power system that can incorporate millions of sensors all connected through an advanced communication and data acquisition system. This system will provide real-time analysis by a distributed computing system that will enable predictive rather than reactive responses to blink-of-the-eye disruptions.” (EPRI, emphasis added) Smart Grid Vision (picture courtesy of Xcel Energy) CURRENT’s Area of Focus Today:High degree of automation, optimization and control Limited automation, optimization and control
© CURRENT Group, Proprietary & Confidential4 currentgroup.com Up to 5% reduction in electric demand with no impact on customer Estimated 87% reduction in cost of outages $0.50 for every $1 spent on electricity (EPRI) “Without a radically expanded and smarter electric grid, wind and solar will remain niche power sources” (MIT, similarly European SG Platform, Ontario Smart Grid Forum) Enables better utility and end user energy usage Improve Grid Operations Integrate Intermittent Renewables Enable End User Energy Management Reduce Outages Smart Grid Platform (communications, sensing, software) CURRENT Value Model: >U.S.$1,000 NPV Benefits per Customer