Chapter 17: Predation and Herbivory
Consumer-Resource Interactions All life are both: –consumers (C) of victims Predators –victims (V) of consumers Prey Interactions organize communities into consumer chains (food chains): –consumers benefit at the expense of their resources –populations are controlled from below by resources and from above by consumers
Opuntia (Prickly pear) Cactoblastis (cactus moth)
Queensland Australia ~1950’s Before Cactoblastis introductionAfter Cactoblastis introduction
Some Definitions Predator –catches and consumes individual prey items –thereby removing them from the prey population (V). Parasites –consume parts of a living prey organism, or host –parasites may be external or internal –may negatively affect the host but does not directly remove it from the population
More Definitions… Parasitoids –consumes living tissues of their hosts, eventually killing them –combination parasite and predator Herbivores –eat whole plants or parts of plants –may act as predators (eating whole plants) or as parasites (eating parts of plants): grazers eat grasses and herbaceous vegetation browsers eat woody vegetation
Parasitoid Wasp
A detritivore’s niche… Detritivores –consume dead organic material. –consume wastes of other species. –have no direct affect on populations that produce these resources: do not directly affect prey abundance do not directly influence their evolution –are important in the recycling of nutrients within ecosystems
Predator adaptations. Predators vary in size relative to their prey: –predators may be much larger than their prey (whales are far larger than krill and small fish) –prey are rarely much larger than their predators: beyond a certain prey size, a predator cannot successfully subdue and consume the prey cooperative hunters are an exception, taking prey substantially larger than themselves –form usually tied to specific diet (vertebrate teeth example)
Carnivore consuming small prey items to satisfy requirements (cost increases exponentially as predator size inc.)
General adaptations?
Predator adaptations (cont.) The variety of predator adaptations is remarkable: –consider grasping and tearing functions: forelegs for many vertebrates feet and hooked bills in birds distensible jaws in snakes –digestive systems also reflect diet: plant eaters feature elongated digestive tracts with fermentation chambers to digest long, fibrous molecules comprising plant structural elements
Osprey feet
Prey adaptations. Prey escape mechanisms: –in animals: –in plants:
Bombardier beetle
Crypsis and Warning Coloration Crypsis - blending with background: –are typically palatable or edible –match color, texture of bark, twigs, or leaves –not concealed mistaken for inedible objects –behaviors corresponds to appearances.
Crypsis Peruvian katydid
Costa Rican mantid
Lonomia moth in Costa Rica
Scorpion fish in Philippines
Sage thrasher
American Dipper
Warning Coloration Unpalatable animals –Noxious chemicals From food Manufacture –Often warning is involved predators learn to avoid such animals after unpleasant experiences certain aposematic colorations occur so widely that predators may have evolved innate aversions Why aren’t all prey unpalatable?
Mimics Henry Bates – palatable species mimic unpalatable (models) Fritz Müller –unpalatable species that come to resemble one another (all mimics and models)
Batesian mimics
Müllerian mimics
Parasites adaptation = dispersal Parasites usually smaller than host Externally (ectoparasite) or internally –internal parasites exist in a benign environment: food stable conditions
Internal parasite Tapeworm of US soldier in Hawaii. Left: after barium infusion. Right: after vermifuge treatment
Ectoparasites Purple finch
Cost of being a parasite… –parasites must deal with a number of challenges: host organisms have mechanisms to detect and destroy parasites parasites must disperse through hostile environments, often via complicated life cycles with multiple hosts,
Plasmodium life cycle Fusion of gametes Zygote forms cyst in gut wall of mosquito Zygote divides into sporozoites Salivary glands Injection of sporozoites into human host’s blood Liver cells Merozoites can: 1)Reinfect liver cells 2)Infect rbc’s 48-hr cycle of invasion, lysing, reinvasion Some merozoites form into male and female gametes Feeding mosquito ingests gametes
One strategy… Circumventing the host’s immune system: –suppress it (AIDS virus) –coat themselves with proteins mimicing host’s proteins (Schistosoma) –continually coat their surfaces with novel proteins (trypanosomes)
Plants vs. herbivory Usually biochemical warfare. Plant defenses include: –low nutritional content –toxic compounds –structural defenses spines and hairs tough seed coats sticky gums and resins constitutive induced “Secondary” Compounds
Can herbivores overcome plant’s defenses? Can herbivores control plant populations? –prickly pear cactus in Australia controlled by introduction of a moth, Cactoblastis –Klamath weed in western US Controlled by Chrysolina beetles
Other examples… Mauna Loa, Hawaii grazed
Spruce budworm – Algonquin PP in Ontario, Canada