TEAP CTOC Essential Use Nomination 2015. Essential Use Nomination for Laboratory and Analytical Use of CTC - Background China requested 70 t of CTC for.


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Presentation transcript:

TEAP CTOC Essential Use Nomination 2015

Essential Use Nomination for Laboratory and Analytical Use of CTC - Background China requested 70 t of CTC for use in 2016 (80 t approved in 2015) for laboratory and analytical uses to test oil, grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons in water CTC available as a by-product of chloromethane manufacture (over 50,000 t/year in China). It is made available only when its feedstock use or exempted use is approved by the MEP. Chinese MEP launched the revision of the national standard HJ that will specify the use of non-ODS substitutes to replace CTC for future testing. China indicates it will complete the revision and approve and apply the new standards by the end of 2016.

Essential Use Nomination for Laboratory and Analytical Use of CTC; CTOC Recommendation CTOC recommends the EUN of 70 tonnes of CTC for The global exemption of the use of ODS for laboratory and analytical purposes has been extended until 31 December 2021 (Decision XXVI/5.1) With the revised standard in 2016, it is unlikely that China would need to seek a future EUN for CTC in this use.

MBTOC Cochairs :  Mohammed Besri  Marta Pizano  Ian Porter MBTOC Critical Use Exemptions 2015 Interim Recommendations

MB Usage in Non-A5 and A5 Parties QPS MB Usage is ~ 12,000 t and offsetting gains in controlled uses

Trends in Critical Use of MB (tonnes) for Non A5 Parties ( )

Critical Use Nominations for MB (tonnes) from A5 Parties (2015 and 2016) Methyl bromide (tonnes)

Reporting of Stocks (Dec IX/6 1,bii) MB stocks (t) reported at end of: Australia0 0 Canada4 1.5 USA10, Total10,  CUE recommendations have not been adjusted to account for stocks  A5 Parties need to report on stocks if applying for CUNs in

CUNs Received in 2015 for MB use in 2016 or Preplant Soil Use of MB (x8) Non A5 Parties: Australia: Strawberry nurseries Canada: Strawberry nurseries A5 Parties: Argentina: Strawberry fruit and Tomato protected China: Open field and Protected ginger Mexico: Raspberry and Strawberry nurseries 2.Structures and Commodities (x3) Non A5 Parties: USA: Dry cure pork A5 Parties: South Africa: Mills and Houses

Interim CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) for Commodities: South Africa Mills and Houses Interim recommendations for 2016 : Mills: Nomination reduced to t based on a reduced dosage rate of 20 g/m³ for the fumigations and a maximum of two fumigations per year. Houses: MBTOC accepted that regulations exist requiring MB to ensure freedom of insects for sales agreements for houses and recommends the full nomination. SectorCUN Request for 2016 Interim Recommendation for 2016 (tonnes) South Africa Mills Houses [5.462] [68.60]

Interim CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) for Commodities - US Dry Cure Pork in 2017 Interim recommendation for 2017: Despite promising research, there is presently no commercially effective alternative to MB for the disinfestation of ham houses. MBTOC anticipates the industry may not require the full CUE amount because of adoption of alternatives currently under investigation. SectorCUN Request for 2017 Interim Recommendation for 2017 (tonnes) US Dry Cure Pork3.240 t

Country and Sector Article 5 Parties Non A5 Parties Nomination for 2016 Interim Rec. for 2016 Nomination for 2017 Interim Rec. for 2017 USA Dry cure pork [3.240] Rep of South Africa* Mills Structures [5.462] [68.60] TOTAL 81.60[74.062]3.240[3.240] Interim CUE Recommendations for SC Uses of MB (t) * RSA submitted for the first time this round. * RSA made no request for 2015 and presumably used stocks for these uses.

Interim CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2017 for Australian Strawberry Runners Interim Recommendation for 2017: SectorCUN for 2017 Interim Recommendation for 2017 Strawberry runners29.76 t Recommendation of t is on the understanding that efforts to find alternatives continue. Some alternatives (eg. new application methods for MITC generators; 1,3-D/Pic (TF-80®); EDN) are promising and should impact future nominations. Although Certification Authorities require two years of data demonstrating alternatives deliver equivalent efficacy to MB/Pic before changes to the rules can occur, the Party is urged to accelerate the schedule in order to phase out MB as soon as possible.

Interim CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2017 for Canadian Strawberry Runners Interim Recommendation for Unable to assess. To assess the nomination, MBTOC requires an update on the effort made to secure alternatives as the nomination does not meet requirements of Dec. IX/6 b (iii). The PEI Adapt Council funding has been discontinued with no new funding available since March No further work has been pursued with a past expert, there is no research program on alternatives. Since 2009 regulatory issues have prevented Pic use, however MBTOC has been requesting a clarification of why Pic is allowed to be used on PEI in MB/Pic formulations, but this is still unclear. SectorCUN for 2017 Interim Recommendation for 2017 Strawberry runners5.261 t[Unable to assess]

Interim CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2016 for Argentina SectorCUN for 2016 Interim Recommendation for 2016 Tomato100[45.0] Interim Recommendation for 2016: Reduced The nomination has been reduced: (i)To conform with MBTOCs standard presumption of 17.5 g/m 2 (which is half of the requested amount of Party’s dose rate). (ii)For adoption of alternatives which are considered effective on 10% of the remaining nomination, including grafting, resistant cultivars, and 1-3,D+Pic. MBTOC considers that a 3 year adoption period from 2015 should allow the Party time to apply all possible alternatives for this sector.

Interim CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2016 for Argentina SectorCUN for 2016 Interim Recommendation for 2016 Strawberry fruit70[Unable to assess] Interim Recommendation for 2016: Unable to assess In order to assess the nomination, MBTOC requires information on: Plant back times for use of 1,3-D/Pic in Lules (warm conditions) and Mar del Plata (cooler conditions) compared to methyl bromide. Economic data to support annual use of an alternative treatment, specifically 1,3-D/Pic compared to the biennial treatment data provided.

Interim CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2016 for China SectorCUN for 2016 Interim Recommendation for 2016 Ginger, Open field Ginger, Protected Interim Recommendation for 2016: Reduced MBTOC recommends a reduced amount of and 21 tonnes of MB respectively for these uses in 2016 to conform to MBTOCs standard presumption for dosage rate of 35 g/m 2. The Party identified that their situation had unique pathogens and weeds compared to non A5 sectors that have phased out MB (i.e. Japan). Results show chloropicrin is a promising alternative to MB.

Interim CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2016 for Mexico SectorCUN for 2016 Interim Recommendation for 2016 Strawberry runners Raspberry runners Interim Recommendation for 2016: Reduced The nominations were adjusted to conform to the standard presumption for a dose rate of 200 kg/ha for uncertified material and to comply with Decision Ex. I/4. which limits increases in consumption of MB and disallows use of MB on new areas. MBTOC considers that one more year of trials should be sufficient to support rapid adoption of alternatives as trials have been initiated three years ago showing promising results

Country and Sector CUE for 2015 or 2016 Nomination for 2016 Nomination for 2017 Interim Recommendation Australia Strawberry runners [29.76] Canada Strawberry runners [Unable] Argentina Tomato (pepper) Strawberry fruit [45.0] [Unable] China Ginger, open field Ginger, protected [78.75] [21.0] Mexico Strawberry runners Raspberry runners [43.539] [41.418] TOTAL505[ ]35.021[ ] Interim CUE Recommendations for Soil Uses of MB (t)

Issues Difficult sectors in A5 countries are similar to those in non A5 countries (nursery sectors, ginger). No nomination was received from US strawberry fruit indicating that one of the biggest uses of MB has finally been phased out. Parties are reminded that they are required to provide information to MBTOC as specified in the timetable at the preceding MOP of the year of application. This year two Parties provided information two months after deadlines. Accounting frameworks are required next year by A5 Parties (Dec Ex. 1/4 (9f)) seeking any CUEs