Nuclear Chemistry Chapter 25 What so special?
Radioactivity Discovered accidentally using Uranium salts Without sunlight, Uranium could fog a photographic plate The Curies showed the fogging was due to rays emitted by the Uranium atoms Penetrating rays and particles emitted by radioactive source = radiation
Nuclear reactions Differ from chemical reactions Chemical = stable electron configs Electrons just relocate within cmpd; nuclei stay the same Nuclear= nuclei of unstable isotopes (radioisotopes) gain stability by undergoing changes Always produces large amounts of energy Not affected by changes in temp, pressure or catalysts Cannot be sped up, slowed down or stopped
Radioactive decay Radioisotopes have unstable nuclei Stability depends on the ratio of protons to neutrons and the overall size of the nucleus Too many or too few neutrons causes instability An unstable nucleus releases energy by emitting radiation during process called radioactive decay Unstable isotopes of one element becomes stable isotopes of a different element Decay is spontaneous and requires no energy
Types of Radiation (3) Alpha radiation ( stopped by paper) Release alpha particle He nuclei (2p + & 2n 0 & 0e - ) U-238 Th He 2+ (α particle) Beta radiation (stopped by wood) Neutron breaks into p + & e - p + stays in nucleus, e - released n 0 H + (proton) + e - (β particle) C-14 (radioactive) N-14 (stable) + e - (β)
Figure 25.2
Gamma Radiation (3 rd ) High energy photon No mass No electrical charge Often emitted with alpha particle Thorium-230 Radon α + γ ray Does not alter the atomic number or mass number Extremely penetrating and dangerous Can be almost completely stopped by several m of concrete or cm of lead
Figure 25.3
Nuclear stability Low atomic # (<20) 1:1 (n 0 : p + ) Up to 1.5:1 for heavy elements The n:p determines the type of decay Too many n 0 n 0 turns into p + and emits β − beta emission − ↓ n 0, ↑p +, ↑ e - Too few n 0 p + becomes a n 0 by nucleus engulphing an e - − Called electron capture − ↑ n 0, ↓ p +, ↓ e - OR a p + changes to a n 0 (Positron emission) − ↑n 0, ↓ p + − Positron = particle with mass of e - but + charge
Figure 25.4 red line = Band of Stability
Generalizations All elements > 83 are radioactive Have too many n 0 AND p + to be stable Most undergo α emission Inc n 0 : p + Mass # - 4, at # - 2 Mass is not conserved Very small amount of mass is converted into energy and released during radioactive decay (hence photographic plate fogging)
Half-Life (t 1/2 ) Time required for ½ of nuclei of a radioisotope sample to decay So, after each half-life, half the existing radioactive atoms have decayed into atoms of a new element Some are billions of years long, others fractions of a second
Figure 25.5
Table 25.3 ½ lives and radiation of some naturally occurring radioisotopes IsotopeHalf-liferadiation C E3 yearsβ K E9 yearsβ, γ Rn daysα Ra E3 yearsα, γ Th daysβ, γ U E8 yearsα, γ U E9 yearsα
Transmutation reactions The conversion of an atom of one element into the atom of another element Can occur by radioactive decay Or when particles bombard the nucleus of an atom Particles can be p +, n 0, or α particles − Remember, α particle = He nucleus
Transmutations where? Occur naturally N-14 C-14 in upper atmosphere U-238 (x 14) Pb-206 In laboratories First done in 1919 by Rutherford N-14 + α F-18 (quickly O-17 + p + ) Lead to discovery of p + Chadwick found neutron in 1932 Be-9 + α C-12 + n 0 Nuclear reactors Transuranium elements
Transuranium Elements At # > 92 (aka U) All undergo transmutation None occur in nature All are radioactive All synthesized in nuclear reactors and nuclear accelerators Accelerators accelerate bombarding particles to very high speeds Reactors produce beams of low-energy bombarding particles Hadron Accelerator
Examples- fyi no, you do not need to know these U n 0 (very slow moving) U-239* *U-239 is radioactive U-239 Np-239* + β *Np-239 is also radioactive and thus unstable Np-239 Pu β Both Np and Pu were synthesized in 1940 in Berkley, Ca
Fission of Atomic Nuclei U-235 and Pu-239 are the only nuclei that can undergo fission The splitting of a nucleus into smaller fragments as a result of bombardment by slow moving neutrons Chain rxn when neutrons given off during fission of one nucleus strike another fissionable atom
Fun Facts about Fission Releases HUGE amounts of energy… 1 kg U-235 energy equal to that of 20,000 tons of dyn-o-mite! In uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction (like an atomic BOMB) the energy is released in fractions of a second! Can be controlled in nuclear reactors to make use of the energy in small, slowly released amounts
Nuclear Fusion fun facts Fusion = nuclei combine to produce a nucleus of greater mass Energy released by the sun (Earth’s major source of energy) results from nuclear fusion fusion releases MORE energy from little nuclei than fission from big nuclei Catch= fusion only occurs at ridiculously high temps > 40,000,000°C
Fusion to be used under control on earth? Attempts made to combine H-2 + H-3 He-4 + n 0 + ENERGY Problem = temp So far, only way to get temp up is to use a fission bomb like the one used to trigger the controlled fusion reaction that is called a H bomb − Therefore, not a useful idea…
Detecting Radiation Geiger counters detects α,β, & γ with audible clicks Scintillation counters Uses phosphor-coated surface Film badges Made of several layers of photographic film
Using radiation Important in many scientific procedures Used in agriculture as “tracers” to test effect of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers To diagnose medical problems I-131 used to identify thyroid disorders To treat some diseases Pharmaceuticals sometimes used as radiation therapy EX: More I-131 than for test = absorbed and emits β & γ rays