Object Oriented JavaScript
JavaScript Really only 4 types in JavaScript – number, string, boolean – Object (includes arrays) Remember that an object is really just a bunch of key-value pairs Ways to create an object – Object literal – Create a new blank object – Write a constructor function
Constructor functions Normal JavaScript function Called with new like Java Generally sets some properties and methods using “this” By convention, constructors start with uppercase letters Called with new // Constructs and returns a new Point object. function Point(xValue, yValue) { this.x = xValue; this.y = yValue; this.distanceFromOrigin = function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }; }
Prototypes every object contains a reference to its prototype – default: Object.prototype ; strings → String.prototype ; etc. a prototype can have a prototype, and so on – an object "inherits" all methods/data from its prototype(s) – doesn't have to make a copy of them; saves memory – prototypes allow JavaScript to mimic classes, inheritance
Prototypes Every function/object stores a prototype object property in it – When we define the Point function (constructor) a Point.prototype is created – Every object created will use the function prototype object as its prototype When new is called – A new object is created this – Attaches the function prototype to the object – Returns the new object
The Prototype Chain When you ask for a property or method, JavaScript – sees if the object itself contains the property – recursively checks the objects prototype – continues up the prototype chain until the end and returns undefined if it cannot find it. x: 3 y: -4 __proto__ Point.prototype distanceToOrigin __proto__ Object.prototype toString __proto__
Using the Prototype for Methods Adding a property/method to a prototype will make it available to all objects that use that prototype Any prototype can be modified – Including built-in types // adding a method to the prototype function.prototype.name = function(params) { statements; }; Point.prototype.distanceFromOrigin = function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); };
Inheritance using the Prototype To make a subclass, set its prototype to an object of the superclass Question: Why not this way? – SubClassName.prototype = SuperClassName.prototype; function SuperClassName(parameters) {... } function SubClassName(parameters) {... } //Connect the prototype chain SubClassName.prototype = new SuperClassName(parameters); // Reset the constructor SubClassName.prototype.constructor = SubClassName
Inheritance // Constructor for Point3D "subclass" function Point3D(x, y, z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } // set it to be a "subclass" of Point Point3D.prototype = new Point(0, 0); // override distanceFromOrigin method to be 3D Point3D.prototype.distanceFromOrigin = function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z); };
Inheritance There is no equivalent of the super keyword – no easy way to call the superclass's constructor no built-in way to call an overridden superclass method – have to write it manually, e.g. var d = Point.prototype. distanceFromOrigin.apply(this); Or var d = Point.prototype. distanceFromOrigin.call(this); Apply requires an array for function args Call requires that function args are explicitly named
function A() // Define super class { this.x = 1; } A.prototype.DoIt = function() // Define Method { this.x += 1; } B.prototype = new A; // Define sub-class B.prototype.constructor = B; function B() { A.call(this); // Call super-class constructor (if desired) this.y = 2; } B.prototype.DoIt = function() // Define Method { A.prototype.DoIt.call(this); // Call super-class method (if desired) this.y += 1; } b = new B; document.write((b instanceof A) + ', ' + (b instanceof B) + ' '); b.DoIt(); document.write(b.x + ', ' + b.y);
Private Members Create private members using local variables and methods Closure allows access to the local variables function A() { var x = 7; this.GetX = function() { return x;} this.SetX = function(xT) { x = xT; } } obj = new A; obj2 = new A; document.write(obj.GetX() + ' ' + obj2.GetX()); obj.SetX(14); document.write(' ' + obj.GetX() + ' ' + obj2.GetX());
Namespaces In JavaScript, there are only two scopes – Local and global Problem: – In a large program, the namespace gets full – Using libraries complicates this more Solution – The JavaScript Module Pattern
The JavaScript Module Pattern Using global variables and self-executing functions, create the equivalent of a module Note: self-executing functions – Typically a function is just declared until called – Javascript allows us to declare the function and have it called immediately (function() { alert(“Hello World”); })(); OR (function() { alert(“Hello World”); }());
The JavaScript Module Pattern Global variable – cs340.module Everything else is private inside the module Protected namespace Returned object will run the constructor var cs340.module = (function () { // private variables and functions var foo = 'bar'; // constructor var module = function () { }; // prototype module.prototype = { constructor: module, something: function () { } }; // return the module return module; })(); var my_module = new cs340.module();
JavaScript Module Namespace catan.models.ClientModel = (function clientModelNameSpace(){ var ClientModel = (function ClientModelClass(){ var fullmodel = {}; function ClientModel(localConfig){ $("#debug").append(" In ClientModel Constructor"); } ClientModel.prototype.initFromServer = function(success){ … } ClientModel.prototype.getClientPlayerName = function(){ // TODO: Return the local player's correct name return "Sam"; } ClientModel.prototype.getClientPlayerColor = function(){ // TODO: Return the local player's correct color return "orange"; } return ClientModel; }()); return ClientModel; }()); var clientModel = new catan.models.ClientModel();