Technology Innovation for Reefer Trucks and Last mile distribution Devendra Jain Director & Innovator
Bottlenecks in cold chain This Presentation Bottlenecks in cold chain Innovation to close the gaps Examples and future opportunities
Bottlenecks: Energy Source: Cold Chains: The Essential Infrastructure, News desk , 2012
Bottlenecks in cold chain Capacity utilization in Indian cold chain sector 30 – 75 % Different Products require different temperature conditions Insulation cooling unit
Bottlenecks in cold chain Limitations in last mile distribution Vaccines, cold foods less in tier 3-4 regions (30% unpenetrated market) Source: Transforming Indias Vaccine market, Mckinsey report, 2012 Roads fragmented cold storage Small volumes
Bottlenecks: Technology 4. Technologies are present, but their dissemination and adoption are limited. Limiting Pollution: Noise and emissions. Freeing Capacity: improving payload. Timed redundancy: Thermal Inertia. Risk Minimised: Chill injury mitigated.
Micro-encapsulated PCM Pluss PCM: The range Micro-encapsulated PCM Organic PCMs Form stable PCMs Hydrated salts Out of the total energy consumption, Industry (Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction) consumes 37%, Personal and Commercial Transportation 20%, Residential Heating, Lighting and Appliances 11%, and Commercial uses 5% (Lighting, heating and cooling of commercial buildings and provision of other services); 27% are energy losses in generation and transmission.
Innovations to close the gaps - PCMs Temperatures maintained without external source. -37°C to +89°C . Back-up for temp. critical applications. upto 72 hours. Reduces energy consumption, noise and emissions. Uses off peak electricity. Increases Payload. No cooling equipment, doubles as insulation too.
How Charged Offline Easily loaded before transport Phase change materials (PCM) encapsulated in HDPE profiles Charged Offline Easily loaded before transport Truck can be used for different commodities by replacing the PCM. Vehicle:TATA ace trucks, Product: Danone yogurt
How Vehicle:TATA ace trucks, Product: Dominos Pizza
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Pluss's Offerings What are PCMs ? Materials that can store large amount of heat energy in the form of latent heat Release/absorption of heat at almost constant temperature Also called Passive cooling materials. Heat Absorption / Release process repeatable over a substantial number of cycles (~ 3000 or more)
PCM Characteristics Very high Latent Heat Capacity Tailorable for specific temperature requirements Easy handling; can be filled in a variety of encapsulations Cheap & very stable over long durations Repeatable phase change cycles Low / No flammability Non Toxic and Non combustible For T = 15 K PCM’s Latent heat = 225 kJ / kg
PCM: Polymer Encapsulations HDPE Bottles (via blow moulding) Cold – Transportation Cold - Storage HDPE / PP Balls (via blow moulding) Boilers Chillers Solar water heaters Multilayered Pouches (via film sealing) False ceilings Ice boxes Pharmaceutical transport HDPE Profiles (made via extrusion) Buildings (Residential/ & Commercial) Telecommunication shelters