IUPUI CLASSROOM SPACE AVAILABILITY & INITIATIVES Mary Beth Myers IUPUI Registrar January 2011 Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar
IUPUI increases in headcount & credit hours continue More students and more full time students leading the increase in credit hours Increase in credit hours translates to a need for more classes We have delivered! Good Times bring New Challenges
IUPUI Fall Hrs 270, , , , , , , , , , ,057 Heads 26,957 27,619 28,496 28,693 28,594 28,342 28,387 28,809 28,810 28,979 29,150 Ave hrs % Hrs Increase0%4.25%4.29%1.47%0.83%0.20%1.35%2.89%2.52%1.37%1.78% % Heads Increase0%2.46%3.18%0.69%-0.35%-0.88%0.16%1.49%0.00%0.59% % Ave Hrs Increase0%1.75%1.08%0.77%1.18%1.09%1.19%1.38%2.52%0.78%1.18% Ten Year Trend Upward! Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar
MORE CLASSES in CLASSROOMS (does not include off-campus, hospitals, web classes, etc.) Fall ClassesSpring Classes Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar
MORE ENROLLMENT IN CLASSES IN CLASSROOMS Fall Terms Spring Terms Source: IUPUI Office of the Registrar
How do we make better use of current space and find new space for continuing increase in classes? Class Scheduling Policy Requires better use of non-prime times Red/Green “grade report” out soon School of Dentistry Possibilities for evening classes School of Medicine Possibilities for Public Health classes Renovation of Cavanaugh Basement Possible additional classrooms Current Space Initiatives
R & R Funding Covers renovation, carpeting, paint, etc. (not furnishings) Lecture Hall rooms Business 2002 and BS 2008 Learning Environments Committee Grant proposals to be reviewed Two submitted by Registrar’s Office Additional Space Improvements
Adhere to Scheduling Policies Make best use of department-controlled space Monitor (and possibly move) low enrolling courses Spread the word for better understanding if a class is scheduled “across campus” Other space options, alternatives, creative ideas? What You Can Do