Objective 1: what are the main reasons for urban growth in LICS? What are the reasons for this growth in LICS?


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Presentation transcript:

Objective 1: what are the main reasons for urban growth in LICS? What are the reasons for this growth in LICS?

Shanty Town (also called slums, favelas or squatter settlements): A collection of shacks and poor-quality housing which can lack a water or electricity supply and sewage disposal.

Amenities : Things such as schools, shops and medical centres that make somewhere a good place to live. Infrastructure:Basic facilities such as roads, rail links, water supply, electricity etc. that are needed for a place to function.

Shanty Towns What are the main problems?

Case study: Rapid growth in Bangalore

Case study information: notes from DVD Remember to use specific place names/ figures etc… 1.Why are India’s cities growing (specifically Bangalore)? 2.What are the problems with access to housing? 3.What are problems with access to employment? 4.What is being done about it- water and sanitation and self help schemes

Bangalore Information: Population = 6 million 5th largest city in India Bangalore

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Bangalore Palace

a) Explain 2 problems of living in a squatter settlement [4] b) State one scheme that could be used to tackle the problems of squatter settlements. Explain how the scheme would work (refer to an example you have studied) [4] B...Box the command word U...Underline the key word(s) G...Glance back at the question to check you understand what it's asking you to do

a) Explain 2 problems of living in a squatter settlement [4] b) Suggest one scheme that could be used to tackle the problems of squatter settlements. Explain how the scheme would work (refer to an example you have studied) [4]

a) Explain 2 problems of living in a squatter settlement [4] b) Suggest one scheme that could be used to tackle the problems of squatter settlements. Explain how the scheme would work (refer to an example you have studied) [4] One disadvantage of living in a shanty town is My example scheme is This is because The scheme involves Another disadvantage of living in a shanty town is

a) Award one mark for each disadvantage and one mark for the explanation b) Award one mark for naming a particular scheme in a particular location. Give 1 mark for each point made about the scheme (maximum of 3)

Questions from the June 2011 paper! Suggest reasons for rapid growth in urban areas in LICS (3) Explain the effects of rapid urban growth. Chosen LIC area (6)

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