Washington Health Benefit Exchange Outreach Technical Advisory Committee April 4, 2014
Today’s Agenda ▪ HBE Meeting Protocol and Tools ▪ Welcome and Introductions ▪ HBE Committee Structure and Purpose ▪ Outreach Technical Advisory Committee Direction ▪ HBE Outreach Activities ▪ Emerging Issues ▪ Next Steps 2
Meeting Protocol ▪ Open public meeting ▪ Callers are in listen-only mode ▪ Participation limited to Outreach TAC Members ▪ Public comment period at end of meeting ▪ Agenda, PPT and any other material used during meetings is posted on the website following the meeting activities/outreach-workgroup/ 3
GotoWebinar 1.Register 2.Click “Start the Webinar” 3.Call in or use computer mic and speakers 4. Control panel ▪ Chat ▪ Raise your hand 4
Michael Marchand Director of Communications Advertising/Marketing Media Relations Communications Navigator Program Outreach Public and Consumer Relations 5
6 ▪ Purpose of Outreach TAC ▪ Consumer/constituent voice ▪ Stakeholder Perspective ▪ Expertise ▪ TAC members are HBE Representatives ▪ Community presence ▪ Social media ▪ Public meetings Thank you for your Service
Your HBE Facilitators Kelly Boston Associate Director Communications ▪ Navigator Program ▪ Outreach Program ▪ Consumer ▪ Community ▪ Business Kristi Stickland Sr. Outreach Specialist Communications ▪ Business focus ▪ Employer communications ▪ College/University communications ▪ Social media 7
TAC Member Introductions ▪ Your name, organization ▪ Involvement with health care reform/HBE ▪ Constituency/Constituencies represented
9 Outreach Technical Advisory Committee Membership Eric EarlingPremera Carrie GloverWithin Reach Julie SeversonNeighborhood House Matthew McColmOffice of Raul Martinez Farmers Insurance Robin HillearyModa Health Sally MildrenCoordinated Care Courtney NormandPlanned Parenthood Votes Northwest Patricia GepertWash. Association of Community and Migrant Health Centers Lionel “Quail” Orr Jr.Omak Tribal Health Programs Suzanne PakCornerstone Medical Services Dr. James PoloMary Bridge Children’s Healthcare Grace SandovalHealthpoint Mary WoodHealth Care Authority
General TAC Charter/Purpose ▪ Advise Board Policy or Operations Committee ▪ Offer expertise, experience and professional perspectives ▪ Issues passed down from the Board for discussion ▪ Ad hoc in nature – can be permanent or temporary, depending on needs of the HBE ▪ Open to the public ▪ All material posted on HBE website 11
Outreach TAC – Where are we going? ▪ Broader look at who we’re reaching or not reaching ▪ Identify potential consumers ▪ Identify opportunities to connect/educate/inform ▪ Messages/material that appeal to various groups ▪ Collaboration with and among diverse stakeholder groups ▪ Introduction of Healthplanfinder Business ▪ Other thoughts? 12
TAC Input and Recommendations 13 Outreach TAC Outreach Program Policy Committee Operations Committee Outreach Program Other HBE Department Other TAC
Outreach Efforts to Date ▪ Lead Org Events (IPAs/Navigators) ▪ Mobile Tour, Stevens Pass, Hockey, Roller Derby, Concerts ▪ Service Area Network Partners ▪ Community events ▪ Schools ▪ Flu shot clinics ▪ Health fairs ▪ Ethnic/cultural events
Outreach Partners Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Washington State Council (50,000 non- covered union members statewide) NW Workforce Council (Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom counties) African American Reach and Teach Health Ministry – AARTH (Statewide- faith based community) South Sound 2-1-1/United Way of Pierce County (Lewis, Pierce, and Thurston Counties) Cornerstone Medical Services (King, Pierce, Snohomish counties free clinics) Korean Women’s Association (King, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston counties – Korean, Hispanic, Russian, Cambodian, Vietnamese) Lifelong AIDS Alliance (Statewide serving individuals with AIDS and other chronic health conditions) Teen Feed (University District, South Seattle, Auburn - homeless and food insecure individuals ages 13-25)
Events! Events! Events!
Outreach Material ▪ Web site (print on demand) ▪ Print shop ▪ Standard brochures, door hangers, posters, etc. ▪ Custom orders ▪ Social media ▪ Facebook ▪ Twitter 17
Opportunities for Engagement ▪ Health Literacy Project ▪ QHP targets ▪ 2014 Target = 130,000 – Actual 146,500 (and still counting!) ▪ 2015 Target = 280,000 ▪ Expanding outreach to reach QHP population ▪ Wakely Consultant study of effectiveness ▪ Navigator Program ▪ Outreach activities ▪ Ads ▪ Transition to self-sufficiency 19
Outreach Reporting - New ▪ System-wide Enrollments by Race/Ethnicity, including American Indian/Alaska Native ▪ Total Medicaid enrollments ▪ Total QHP with tax credit ▪ Total QHP no tax credit ▪ Total by age ranges ▪ Total with tobacco use ▪ Total by pregnancy ▪ Total by zip code ▪ Total by county ▪ Percent of enrollments that reported race/ethnicity ▪ Total enrollments by Primary language (translation requested – language specific) ▪ Total enrollments by Household FPL (as available) ▪ What other measures are important? 20
Group discussion ▪ What’s working well for your constituents? ▪ Opportunities? Needs? ▪ Areas of interest for Outreach TAC ▪ Priorities for this group ▪ Next steps… 21
Public Comments/Questions 22