Influence of GPA and Time Management on Student Stress Robyn Davis and Jennifer Winslow Westminster College Missouri Undergraduate Psychology Conference November 11, 2005
Introduction Definition and Consequences of Stress Definition and Consequences of Stress Lahmers, 2000 Lahmers, 2000 Hypothesis Justification Hypothesis Justification Britton & Tesser, 1991 Britton & Tesser, 1991 Macon & Shahani, 1990 Macon & Shahani, 1990 Hypotheses Hypotheses High stress management skills produce less stress High stress management skills produce less stress Students with high GPA’s have lower stress levels Students with high GPA’s have lower stress levels
Method Participants Participants Thirty-nine Westminster Students, 19 males and 20 females Thirty-nine Westminster Students, 19 males and 20 females Materials Materials Stress Inventory Stress Inventory Academic Resource Center of Sweet Briar College (ARC, 2004) Academic Resource Center of Sweet Briar College (ARC, 2004) Stress Management Scale Stress Management Scale Saint Elizabeth Medical Center (2004) Saint Elizabeth Medical Center (2004) Procedure Procedure
Results Scores Scores Stress Management Inventory – reverse scored Stress Management Inventory – reverse scored Mean = 49 ;range: Mean = 49 ;range: Stress Inventory Stress Inventory Mean = 39 ;range: Mean = 39 ;range: GPA GPA Mean = 3.1 ;range: Mean = 3.1 ;range:
Results Two-Way ANOVA Two-Way ANOVA Significant correlation between stress management and stress score: f (1, 35) = 9.33, p =.004 Significant correlation between stress management and stress score: f (1, 35) = 9.33, p =.004 No significant correlation between GPA and stress levels: f (1, 35) = 1.372, p =.249 No significant correlation between GPA and stress levels: f (1, 35) = 1.372, p =.249
Discussion Conclusion Conclusion Hypothesis one supported Hypothesis one supported Hypothesis two not supported Hypothesis two not supported Relationship to previous work Relationship to previous work Macon & Shahani, 1990 Macon & Shahani, 1990 Future Research Future Research