Stress Management
What is stress? Stress is perception: The way in which we interpret and react to events makes them stressful or not. Interpretation of stress varies from person to person. The way people react to stressful situations also varies.
Symptoms of Stress: Feelings Feeling anxious Feeling scared Feeling irritable Feeling moody
Symptoms of Stress: Thoughts Low self-esteem Inability to concentrate Fear of failure Embarrassed easily Worry about the future Preoccupation with tasks/thoughts Forgetfulness
Symptoms of Stress: Behavior Crying for no apparent reason Startling easily Laughing in a high pitch Nervous tone of voice Grinding teeth Acting impulsively Stuttering and other speech difficulties Increasing smoking, eating, drinking Being accident prone Loosing appetite
Symptoms of Stress: Physiology Perspiration Increased heart beat Headaches Trembling Nervous ticks Sleeping problems Being tired Stomach problems Dry mouth Pain in neck and back Susceptibility to illness
Causes of Stress: Major Changes Moving Going to college/medical school Transfer to a new school Marriage, pregnancy New job Divorce Death or illness of love one Being fired from a job
Causes of Stress: Environmental Events Time pressure Competition Financial problems Noise Disappointments
How to reduce stress: Cognitive Strategies Learn how do you react to stress Identify what causes you stress Reinforce positive thoughts Focus on positive qualities and accomplishments Develop assertive behaviors Avoid unnecessary competition Recognize and accept your limits Set realistic goals Set priorities
How to reduce stress: Behavioral Strategies Get a hobby Exercise regularly Eat a balanced diet Communicate with others Ask for help Learn to use your time wisely Practice relaxation techniques Do not procrastinate