Managing Stress for Maximum Learning An ounce of prevention…..
Keep a Balance Physical Wellness Family/Social Support Scheduled time off Spirituality Fun!!
Monitor Your Thoughts ABC’s of Cognitive Process Use Positive and Realistic Statements Refute Negative Thoughts
Concentration Monitor your thoughts Write down your distractions Use exercise to help your alertness Choose topics based on alertness
Avoid Procrastination One minute rule Minimize distractions Set realistic goals A little is better than none at all
Reducing Stress Talk about it Social support Look for solutions 8 count breathing
Optimal Performance on Tests Snack before the test Calm—breathe Stay away from anxious people before and after the test Do not tally right answers/guesses Make note of “gut” response Ear plugs
More Stress Management Evaluate Stress Style Physical Mental Both Choose stress reducer that matches stress style
Miscellaneous Eat breakfast Review tests in instructors office Put away phone/ when studying Organize as you go--3 hole punch/notebook Cornell notes and mind mapping Big calendar Become morning person