W HAT IS S TRESS ? Stress: Reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands. Stress can be positive or negative. Positive Stress Motivates you Inspires you to work harder to achieve a goal Negative Stress Interferes with your ability to perform.
W HAT C AUSES S TRESS Stressor: Anything that causes stress Examples: Homework Family Problems Lack of Sleep New School/New Home Peer Pressure Sports or other school activities Teacher expectations Problems with friends
P HYSICAL E FFECTS OF S TRESS Headache Weakened Immune System High Blood Pressure Clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth Shortness of breath Fatigue Dry mouth Insomnia Muscle aches
M ENTAL /E MOTIONAL E FFECTS OF S TRESS Difficulty concentrating School Irritability Toward family Toward friends Mood Swings Overeating or loss of appetite Depression Loneliness Worrying
S HORT -T ERM W AYS TO H ANDLE S TRESS Making excuses instead of admitting mistakes. Shifting negative feelings about one person to another. Bring stress home. Ignoring reality or pretending it doesn’t exist Putting the blame on someone else The use of drugs and alcohol. NOT THE ANSWER TO HANDLING STRESS
H OW TO H ANDLE S TRESS Assert yourself Tell others how you feel without hurting or disrespecting them Laughing Make it a habit to laugh at least once a day Plan Ahead Make times to do things you have to do that you do not like to do (homework)
O THER WAYS TO PREVENT STRESS Sleep (8 hours) Eats fruits and vegetables Set realistic long-term and short-term goals Play outside Believe every problem has a solution Exercise