Stress Management
What is Stress? Stress is a state of tension experienced by people facing high demands, constraints, or opportunities. It is extremely common and managers have to be concerned with their employees’ as well as their own stress.
Sources of Stress Stress impacts different people in different ways. Stressors are anything that causes stress. They can come from work, personal, or nonwork situations. They have the potential to influence work attitudes, behaviours, job performance and health.
Management Fundamentals: Chapter 18 4 Sources of Stress Work factors as potential stressors: Includes: Excessively high or low task demands. Role conflicts or ambiguities. Poor interpersonal relationships. Too slow or too fast career progress.
Management Fundamentals: Chapter 18 5 Sources of Stress Personal factors as potential stressors: Includes needs, capabilities, and personality. Stressful behavior patterns of the Type A personality: Always moving, walking, and eating rapidly. Acting impatient, hurrying others, disliking waiting. Doing, or trying to do, several things at once. Feeling guilty when relaxing. Trying to schedule more in less time. Using nervous gestures such as a clenched fist. Hurrying or interrupting the speech of others.
Management Fundamentals: Chapter 18 6 Sources of Stress Non-work factors as potential stressors: Includes: Family events. Economics. Personal affairs. “Spill-over” effect on the stress an Individual experiences at work.
Management Fundamentals: Chapter 18 7 How can we Manage Stress? Consequences of stress: Constructive stress. Acts as a positive influence. Can be energizing and performance enhancing. Destructive stress. Acts as a negative influence. Breaks down a person’s physical and mental systems. Can lead to job burnout and/or workplace rage.
Management Fundamentals: Chapter 18 8 Negative Consequences of a Destructive Job Stress-burnout
Management Fundamentals: Chapter 18 9 Study Question 5: How can stress be managed in a change environment? Personal wellness: The pursuit of personal and mental potential though a personal health-promotion program. A form of preventative stress management. Enables people to be better prepared to deal with stress.