Encouraging students to take the e-nitiative Nick Short e-Media Unit, Royal Veterinary College
AMEE 2008 Prague Context Widespread adoption of basic e-learning Changing technology competencies of students New opportunities for collaboration with web 2.0 BUT Staff often have limited technical skills Traditional teaching practice slow to evolve Student frustration
AMEE 2008 Prague Appropriate and Practical Technologies Students, Teachers, Administrators and Researchers (STAIRS)
AMEE 2008 Prague Learning from the Learners Most are confident in use of new technologies Have their own ideas on how they want to learn Genuinely interested in working with faculty Bright and motivated Cheap labour!
AMEE 2008 Prague Four Steps …. Raising Awareness and Engagement Building a Community Facilitating Initiative Sharing Ownership
AMEE 2008 Prague Step One Raising Awareness and Engagement Building a Community Facilitating Initiative Sharing Ownership
AMEE 2008 Prague Facebook
AMEE 2008 Prague Student Induction Wiki
AMEE 2008 Prague Step Two Raising Awareness and Engagement Building a Community Facilitating Initiative Sharing Ownership
AMEE 2008 Prague Feedback Questionnaires
AMEE 2008 Prague Student Focus Groups
AMEE 2008 Prague Step Three Raising Awareness and Engagement Building a Community Facilitating Initiative Sharing Ownership
AMEE 2008 Prague How it was done Student Podcasting AMEE 2007 Courtesy of Silvia Janska
AMEE 2008 Prague Student Lecture Recording
AMEE 2008 Prague Step Four Raising Awareness and Engagement Building a Community Facilitating Initiative Sharing Ownership
AMEE 2008 Prague Student Authored Learning Content
AMEE 2008 Prague
Experience to Date Students appreciate being consulted and involved Staff have responded well to student activity Students are now implementing their own ideas New understanding of appropriate technologies Longer term involvement of past students High quality resources at reasonable cost
AMEE 2008 Prague Thank You Contact : Nick Short on Web :