Lebanon 2009 Intel ISEF Ed Academy Lebanon Science Fair
2 Introductions –Fadi Yarak: Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon- General Director of Education –Samir Costantine: Waznat Career Guidance and Consultancy- General Manager Waznat is concerned in the development in educational institutions. To do so they work on three main factors: the development of the school systems, the training and development of human resources and the counseling of students (mainly career counseling). –Akram Afara: Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development- Lebanon Science Fair Director Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development is Intel Partner and was founded by the late Prime Minister H.E Rafic Hariri and aims to achieve sustainable human development by supporting the civil society and building human capacities, improving the civil involvement throughout the social change process. –Ayman Korek: Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development- Senior Trainer For Intel Teach –Grace Harb: Intel- Lebanon Office- Corporate Affairs Group
3 Educational Environment In Lebanon The Lebanese Educational system is divided into three sectors: 1.Public schools: 2.Private schools 3.Free of charge Private schools The new school curricula was launched in September 1998, and took into account economic, social, and national perspectives. The principle characteristics of this new system consist of the following: a.The total duration in school is 12 years: six years for the primary cycle, three years for the intermediate cycle, and three years for the secondary cycle and followed by the higher education cycle. b.The Primary school education is followed either by a six-year intermediary and secondary program, leading to the official Lebanese baccalaureate certificate, or by a three- to six-year technical or vocational training program. c.The first year of general education's secondary cycle must be considered common for all four different series of instruction, and the second year is common to only two out of four series. d.Lebanese students are not allowed to enter formal technical education before age 12, which is the age limit of obligatory education. e.The scholastic year was changed to 36 weeks, and 4 supplementary hours per week were added at the intermediary and secondary cycles.
4 Science Fairs Status of Science Fairs in Lebanon: Lebanon Science Fair is an affiliated fair with Intel ISEF and organized by Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development LSF was held for the third consecutive year Public Schools and private schools from all Lebanese regions participated in LSF In Students participated at the LSF from all over Lebanon Quality of projects is getting better year after year
5 Science Fairs The three biggest obstacles the Lebanese Science Fair face: 1.Lack of governmental support for such Fairs which explains the weak participation of public schools at these fairs. 2.Lack of Motivation of the Schools principles and their lack of awareness of the importance of such Fairs. 3.The lack of mentorship on students projects as few schools support project based learning.