Diabetes as a Global Health Problem The IDF meets the Challenge By Prof. Morsi Arab IDF Chairman MENA Region Prof. Morsi Arab IDF Chairman MENA Region
Reported Incidence of Type1 Diabetes at the MENA Region per population under 15 yrs ( Diabetes Atlas 2006) Afghanistan1.2 Algeria8.6 Bahrain2.5 Egypt8.0 Iran3.7 Iraq3.7 Jordan3.2 Kuwait 22.3 Lebanon 3.2 Libya 9.0 Morocco 8.6 Palestine 3.2 Oman 2.5 Pakistan 0.5 Qatar 11.4 Saudi Arabia 12.3 Sudan10.1 Tunisia 7.3 Emirates 2.5 Yemen 2.5
ِ At The MENA Region Prevalence of Diabetes is 9.2 % (age ) Prevalence of IGT …….is 8.1 % 24.5 millions with Diabetes & 22.4 with IGT out of the top 10 highest diabetes prevalence rate countries 6 are MENA countries Estimated death due to DM as % of all deaths is 11.5% ( 11.1% in Europe and 11.8 % in MENA )
Diabetes Mortality World wide = 3.2 millions die from complications associated with diabetes In the ME : ( with high prev. of diab.) one in 4 deaths in adults years is related to diabetes
The pyramidal structure of the Egyptian population >
Age Group
Western desert Eastern desert Saini Nubia
DIABETES IS PART OF THE WIDER HEALTH PROBLEM : THE METABOLIC SYNDROME % of the world adult population have the metabolic syndrome ( MTS), and these are : - 5 times at risk to develop diabetes type times likely to have a heart attack or stroke - twice likely to die
“Obesity” is always involved, or associated with all elements of the Metabolic Syndrome : But Which type of Obesity ?
“ Abdominal Obesity “ as measured by waist circumference is more indicative of the Metabolic Syndrome profile than increased BMI