LEVANT BUSINESS FORUM Two rounds of meetings (Beirut, Istanbul) Set up in December 2010 (Istanbul Declaration) Represents the private sector (permanent dialogue and cooperation mechanism)
Goal: To create a free trade and mobility area among four countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria an Turkey)
Objectives: Promote trade Increase investments Contribute to a conducive investment and business environment Foster technology, know-how transfer, R&D Support upgrading of logistics infrastructure Mutually enhance economic, cultural, tourism activities
Long-term objective: Create a wide area of welfare and stability through economic inderdependence “Vision of Three Seas”: Mediterranean, Red Sea, Arabian Gulf
Road Map: To be agreed upon by all parties Strong integration can only be achieved through good will, dialogue, mutual economic interdependence, cultural interaction and public support
Chapters: Mobility of Goods and People Logistics and Communication Entrepreneurship Financial Activities Intra-regional investment activities Agricultural cooperation Energy cooperation
Chapters: Tourism Cooperation on infrastructure projects and project financing Enhancing social relations Activities for institutional capacity-building and development Education and R&D Cultural interchange Business cooperation in third countries
Chapters: Designate an “integration leader” from each country for each of the 14 chapters Form a “technical committee” for each chapter to prepare a detailed roadmap
Activities: Sustain a high level business dialogue Prepare a Working Paper and Action Plan for the Implementation of a free trade and mobility area Lobbying respective governments for quick policy legislation and implementation Source and disseminate business information and produce relevant publications and studies related to the integration process
Structure: Temporary Headquarters: Istanbul Permanent Headquarters: to be decided upon at the first meeting of the Executive Committee
Structure: Executive Board: Shall be formed by 4 members from each country Shall meet on a quarterly basis (more often if required) Shall meet in each country on a rotating basis The country hosting the meeting will hold the Chair of the Executive Board Will form technical committees (mandate and composition will be decided upon by the EB) Will appoint a Secretary General
Structure: The activities will be run by the Office of the Secretary General The necessary straff will be hired by the Secretary General from member organizations on an equal basis Working language: English
Tasks: Complete a comprehensive and multi-dimensional analysis of the integration process Cooperate with relevant public institutions and other related friendly regional and international organizations (WB, UNDP, Islamic Development Bank, Arab Fund etc) Prepare and publish an annual progress report Carry our promotional activities for awareness- raising