Agriculture in England By Dylan Berninger, Kelly Lynch, and Daniel Buzzerio
Famous People and their Advancements Robert Ransome invented an iron plow in 3 different parts, so that if one part broke farmers could buy that part at a low cost. Viscount Charles Townshend also known as Charles "turnip" Townshend came up with the crop rotation, where you plant barley and grain one year and turnips the next.This process helped keep the soil fertile. Jethro Tull was known as one of the "gentlemen farmers" he didn't like how you are losing seeds by scattering them so he invented the seed drill.
Famous People and their Advancements Cont. Jethro Tull was known as one of the "gentlemen farmers" he didn't like how you were losing seeds by scattering them so he invented the seed drill which planted seeds in straight rows. Robert Blakewell invented the stock breeding which improved the quality of animals to produce more meat, milk and wool. Cyrus McCormick invented the mechanical reaper which made grain harvesting easier by harvesting mechanically. All the advancements in agriculture called for more workers so farmers started to move to large industries.
Key Terms and Definitions Enclosure Movement- When farmers fenced off, or enclosed common lands into individual holdings and then combined scattered lands to form larger holdings that were efficient for large-scale farming. Crop Rotation- The alternating of different crops to preserve the fertility of the soil Factors of Production- Basic resources necessary for industrialization which are land, capital and labor Seed Drill- Made it possible to plant seeds in regular rows Horse-Drawn Cultivator- Built by Tull for seed drill Iron Plow- Used instead of wooden plows and made in three parts to replace broken parts at low cost without having to buy a whole new plow
Predictions For Its Impact on Great Britain The Agricultural Revolution impacted Great Britain by lowering hunger due to development of large scale farming which became a necessity due to growth of cities and the Napoleonic Wars Owners of small amounts of farmland were forced to become tenant farmers or move to the city and give up farming due to large landowners Farmers could experiment with their crops without having to get permission from villagers Experiments led to the seed drill, crop rotation, and the iron plow
Predictions For Its Impact on Great Britain (Continued) Farmers who could afford new techniques in agriculture were able to make large profits The improvements in agriculture decreased the demand for farm laborers which resulted in a large labor force being created by the unemployed farm workers A Few people of the lower classes had opportunities to succeed in the business word because the British considered it honorable for young people from the middle classes to go into business and many became managers
How Agriculture Would Spread Once other countries heard of England’s new farming systems they started using them Some people made a lot of money going into Britain to get machines or blueprints for these inventions. The countries then manufactured and used them themselves Use of inventions in other countries benefitted them in the same way the benefitted England
Agriculture's Importance Led to a faster food production New inventions led to more efficient farming methods Farmers could now run large scale farms with less workers, forcing those workers to move to cities for jobs Better nutrition from this new quantity of food improved Britain’s population and led to more workers (