Group 2: Heart Sounds Project Alvaro Franco Tuan Nguyen Menline Lu Edgar Umpierrez Rudy Martinez
HEART SOUNDS OVERVIEW Clinical Aspects and Physiology Mechanical Interface Design Electronic Module Design Video Demonstration Long Term Data & Results Future Directions / Improvements Live Demonstration
R. Atrium R. Ventricle Pulmonary Veins Systemic Veins Pulmonary Arteries L. Atrium L. Ventricle Systemic Arteries Pulmonary Circuit Oxygen-poor CO 2 rich blood Oxygen-rich CO 2 poor blood Systemic Circuit
AV node Internodal Pathway AV bundle Purkinje fibers Bundle Branches SA node Pathway of Depolarization
The cardiac cycle have three phases: Phase 1 Ventricular filling Phase 2 Ventricular systole Phase 3 Isovolumetric relaxation
Pressure changes reflects the contraction and relaxation of the heart Blood moves from higher pressure to lower pressure Changes in the pressure is the reason why the heart valves open and close and keeps the blood flow moving in forward direction Blood Flow is Controlled by Pressure Changes
Heart Sound S3 Heart Sound S4
Specifications High pass (fc= 20 Hz) Gain= 10 First order filter Band Pass Filter Filter output Specifications First order filter Low pass (fc= 120Hz) Gain= 1
Inverting Amplifier Amplifier output Specifications Gain = 100
Envelop detector Specifications C= 1uF R= 1MΩ T= 1s Envelop output
Long Term Data Resting Standing Running
Observations About Results Reliable Signals Subject must be still and relaxed. Subject and his/her surroundings must be quiet. Unreliable signals Subject Moves or talk/laughs. Environment is loud and full of activity. Interfering noises coming from surrounding environment.
Heartbeat Motor of Today A wrist watch or a mobile phone A chest strap Microprocessor EKG Other Parameter
Today’s Heartbeat Monitor The Berkeley Tricorder
Future Direction Cont’ Heartbeat Sensor University of Sussex Military personnel usage Civilian Usage
Lessons Learned Amplifier gain equal to 1000 A band pass Filter between Hz This prototype can detect S3 and S4 sound
Thank you !!! Questions?