Ariel Rosenfeld
Input: a stream of m integers i1, i2,..., im. (over 1,…,n) Output: the number of distinct elements in the stream. Example – count the distinct number of IP addresses you encounter.
Bit vector of size n (mark 1 when encountered) Keeping all m integers and naively answer. ◦ Sort and count O(min{n,mlogm})
a determinitic exact algorithm is impossible using o(n) bits. A deterministic approximation algorithm for this problem providing a (1 ± 1/1000)- approximation using o(n) bits is impossible.
Pick random hash function h : [n] → [0, 1] Calculate z = min i ∈ stream h(i) Output 1/z − 1
Same ints gets same hash value. We will show that the output is a good approximation.
This is idealized for 2 reasons: 1.We don’t have perfect precision. 2. We need n bits at least to remember the randomness associated with every i. Lets ignore it for now…
S = {j1,…jt} (unique elements in the stream) h(j1),..., h(jt) = X1,..., Xt are independent variables from Unif[0, 1] Z = min{Xi}
P= F(x) 1 1
(HW) We get a bounded variance.
q increases -> better approximation Chebyshev
We want a function that doesn't need n bits or more to represent. So we will use k-wise independent hash functions (H) each can be represented using a small number of bits (log|H|). ◦ In lecture.
An example - Set q > k a prime power, and define H poly,k to be the set of all degree ≤ (k − 1) polynomials in Fq[x]. H poly,k is a k-wise independent family. Size: q k Needs: k log q bits.