PRESENTATION Dr. Murad Hayitow, Professor of Law DAAD Germany Exchange Academic Service Alumni East European Law Institute of Hamburg University; Fulbright Alumni Seton Hall University School of Law, Newark, New Jersey, USA; DAAD Germany Exchange Academic Service Alumni Max-Planck- Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg
1. General characteristics August 22, 1990 Turkmenistan adopted Declaration of Sovereignty. Turkmenistan is the Presidential Republic (October 11, 1990). The President of Turkmenistan is a Saparmurat Niyazov. Turkmenistan declares Independent in October 27, May 18, 1992 adopted Constitution of Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan is a democratic, law-governed, secular and Neutrally States. Territory of Turkmenistan consist 491, 1 q. kilometer. The capital of Turkmenistan is Ashgabat city (by peoples). Ashgabat is the largest political, scientific and cultural center of the country. It was fondled in Turkmenistan is divided into five administrative territories - velayats (provinces) and consist 52 etraps, 21 cities and towns, and 76 townships. Population – by peoples Turkmenistan is the multi-national State. Representatives of more than 40 nationalities live in Turkmenistan. More than 90 % is Turkmen, other nationality - 10 %: Armenian, Azerbaijan, Kazakh, Russian, Tatar, Uzbek, Ukraine, etc. National currency – Turkmen manat (TM, 1 $ = manat). Turkmenistan has common borders with Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Uzbekistan. The Caspian Sea is the western natural border of the country with Russian Federation and Azerbaijan Republic.
2. Government body The permanently functioning highest representative organ of the people’s power in Turkmenistan belong to Khallk Maslakhaty (Art. 45 of Constitution). - Khalk Maslakhaty adoption of the Constitution, constitutional laws the introductions of amendments and supplements to them; - Khalk Maslakhaty Creation of the Central Commission for Elections and Conduct o Referenda in Turkmenistan and making changes to its composition; - Khalk Maslakhaty consideration and approval of programs of basic directions of political, economic and social development of the country; - Khalk Maslakhaty ratification and denunciation of treaties on International unions and other formations; - The Khalk Maslakhaty consideration of issues of peace and security.
3. Division of State Power The President of Turkmenistan is the Head of the State and Executive Power of Turkmenistan (Art.52 of Constitution). The Mejlis (Parliament) is the State Legislative Organ of Turkmenistan (Art.61 of Constitution). Judicial Power in Turkmenistan belongs only to the courts (Art. 97 of Constitution).
4. Economy The base sectors of national economy – oil and gas industry, energy sector, agro-industrial sector; light and food industries are intensively developed. 68 billion cubic meters of gas and 4.185,600 tons of oil were produced ,200 tons of ‘black gold’ was processed in January-June Production rates of lubricating oils were increased by 38 percent, liquefied gas – by 4 percent, diesel oil and polypropylene – by 1 percent. Turkmenistan is agriculture countries. National economy are dynamically developed: industry – percent, agriculture – percent, construction industry – percent, transport and communication sector – percent, in trade and non-manufacturing sector – 24.7 and 15.5 percent respectively. Turkmenistan have also cotton, developing textile industry. In the period textile industry steadily increased industrial output. In 6 month of 2006 production growth rates of ginned cotton increased by 112 percent, cotton fabrics – by 112 percent, readymade garments – 109 percent, washed wool – 106 percent, cotton yarn – by 102 percent, etc.