Egyptians believed you passed into the afterlife with possessions and your body and would be used again also needed the soul to be able to recognize the body –keep it preserved
Who was mummified? pharaohs, priests, and nobles, also pets, especially cats
The Process -embalmers—who prepared the body usually took about 70 days, drying out process priests performed ceremony—high priest wore an Anubis mask as few cuts in body as possible—“the cutter” was chased out
Step 1 cut made under ribs to pull out stomach, lungs, liver, intestines, heart left for afterlife ritual weighing of the heart
Step 2 organs placed in canopic jars and spells placed on them to protect organs for joining the body later—gods for each jar
Step 3 brain pulled out with a hook through the nostrils and trashed
Steps 4-5 body filled with and covered with natron (salt) to dry out after completely dry, at least 30 days, body is given sponge bath and cleaned
Steps 6-7 body packed with cloth to help shape, covered with oils, spices and perfumes body is wrapped in many layers of linen cloth, sometimes fingers and toes done one at time, -jewels, amulets place in layers and death mask over head
During the Process In the meantime, workers and artists made coffin or sarcoughagus art, spells and stories on the outside, sometimes several within each other
possessions, art, furniture, boat, pets, and instructions for journey included in the tomb, Book of the Dead—spells and instructions