Mary’s Life; Impressionist Born in Pennsylvania, 1845 Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Studied then at the Chaplin studio in Europe Influenced by the paintings of Rubens in the Prado
The Boating Party Best-known paintings are those of women and children Theme suggested by painter Edgar Degas
The Letter She painted in oils and did pastels, engraving, etchings and aquatint The Letter is a well- known etching with aquatint
Miss Mary Ellison Noteworthy work from this period in Cassatt’s career. Before long she began to be recognized for her work.
The End She developed diabetes. She lost her eye sight and spent her last years in her country home. Pictures that were left to the remaining members of her family were at first just considered family heirlooms, but were surprised later to find out how valuable her artworks were. She died on June 14, 1926