Paraguay Ronald Sanchez & Rafael Estrada
Capital City: Asuncion
Population: 6,459,058
Climate: Subtropical-Parana Region Tropical-Chaco Region
Language Guarani
Currency Guarani(PYG)
Geography Central South America, Northeast of Argentina
Economy GDP: Billions (2010 est.)
Agriculture 28% GDP, 45% farming
Principle Exports Road vehicles, consumer goods, tobacco, petroleum, products, electrical machinery, tractors and chemical leads, soy beans, feed, cotton, meat, edible oils, electricity, wood and leather are major exports.
Culture: Paraguayan Different groups of Europe, Spain as well as indigenous art & crafts, music, festivals, literature, languages of Paraguay
Flag RED: Stands for patriotism, courage, heroism, equality, and justice WHITE: For purity, firmness, union, and peace BLUE: For tranquility, love, knowledge, verity and liberty
Representative Rosa Britez, she’s famous with her pottery. She has a particular Style that make her a representative figure for her country