APG TF Carbon Capture and Storage R&D An industry perspective Tony Oliver, K-S Tech Ltd (Advanced Power Generation Technology Forum) Royal Academy of Engineering,


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Presentation transcript:

APG TF Carbon Capture and Storage R&D An industry perspective Tony Oliver, K-S Tech Ltd (Advanced Power Generation Technology Forum) Royal Academy of Engineering, 28 February 2008

Latest position UK CAT strategy – R&D, component demos, pilot scale demos, work on regulations etc. Actions out to 2010 BERR CAT strategy CCS demonstration competition - single post-combustion 300MW power plant with CCS by 2014 European Council – all new fossil PSs with CCS from 2020(now an aspiration) IEA at UNFCCC Bali conf – 600 CCS plants by 2030

BCURA Coal Science Lecture London OTTER - 8th October P 3

New Vision Original CAT strategy remains sound but must be accelerated More focus on deployment - what is required to get to deployment - what will be required by markets Need to revitalise whole of innovation process for capture storage and monitoring - from Research right through to Deployment Lessons learnt from previous successes eg fgd, low NOx, need to be applied to CCS

Revised CAT Strategy – Areas to be addressed Action areas: - RD&D priorities - Deployment of CATs - Public attitudes - Legal and regulatory - Development of a market mechanism for CO 2 - Development of CO 2 transport /storage networks - Technology transfer Linkage to Research Council programmes Linkage to TSB and other funding bodies Positioning and linkage for EU programmes International collaboration Planning, funding and timescales

BCURA Coal Science Lecture London OTTER - 8th October P 6 Carbon Capture Technologies Accepted need for a portfolio approach All technologies need to be addressed Retrofit and new plant application

BCURA Coal Science Lecture London OTTER - 8th October P 7 CO 2 Transport and Storage Key Issues Infrastructure Requirement Cost Reduction Public Acceptance Safe and Effective Storage Developing the Legal, Regulatory & Fiscal Framework Safety and acceptance of CO 2 storage

R&D HML Power Plant Issues: Efficiency Improvement, Pollutants and Control Materials, fabrication, inspection, monitoring and life assessment technologies for progressive increases in steam temperature and pressure to 350 bar and 750°C X -Particular issues relating to high nickel alloys X Utilisation of waste heat including domestic and industrial heating schemes X Gas turbine technology issues X Multi–pollutant control, including mercury, and interaction of pollutant control with carbon capture and plant efficiency X Flexibility of operation and control, control and instrumentation issues in general X Co-use of Biomass Advanced cofiring or co-gasification (up to 20% or more by heat input), including corrosion, slagging and fouling issues X Efficient preparation and processing of biomass energy crops (e.g. pelletisation, torrefaction) X Other cycles using biomass (e.g. biomass feedwater heating) X Materials issues for biomass use X Carbon Dioxide Capture Technologies Post-combustion (scrubbing) Process optimisation X New and less energy intensive solvents (e.g. advanced amines and ammonia) X Avoidance of solvent degradation X Health and Safety issues particularly for amines X Membrane technology X Pre-combustion Capture Gasification : process integration/optimisation, improved availability load following and control X Gas cleaning : improved reliability X Gas conditioning: CO 2 capture : integration and optimisation of shift conversion and CO 2 capture processes, conditioning of H 2 fuel gas stream for GT X Gas turbine : Premix burners for hydrogen X Air separation unit : Process optimisation, improved absorbents for contamination removal, high efficiency packings for distilling fluids close to supercritical conditions X Polygeneration – production of electricity, hydrogen etc X Gas separation membranes - oxygen/nitrogen X Gas separation membranes - carbon dioxide/hydrogen X

Oxyfuel combustion Process optimisation - including start-up/shut-down X Combustion chemistry and kinetics X Heat transfer prediction X Materials for oxyfuel environment, corrosion issues X Ash properties X Flue gas cleaning to meet CO 2 specifications X ASUs: selection, cycle optimisation X Flue gas cleaning and conditioning X Oxygen separation membranes X Pilot plant tests (scale up to 100MWe) MF X New and Emerging CO 2 Capture technologies Chemical looping X Other novel concepts/cycles X Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Transport Corrosion behaviour of pipelines as a function of material, temperature, etc X Alternative materials, joining technologies, sealing technologies X Crack formation and growth X Technologies for CO 2 ships X Use of current North Sea infrastructure X Health & Safety Issues : including impact of impurities, risks associated with major releases both on and off shore X Storage Gather experimental data and develop proper modelling and measuring, monitoring and verification techniques, together with knowledge and methods on trapping, rock and fluid properties, stability/integrity and CO 2 mobility X Assess/develop cost-effective methods for managing impact of sub-surface uncertainty on performance prediction and risk. X Develop database of equilibrium and kinetic data for use in coupled geochemical modelling of storage systems. X Develop remote sensing techniques that give improved characterisation of stability of storage sites. e.g. geomechanical properties for fault stability X Assess potential for storage in saline aquifers. e.g. develop atlas of sea and saline formation properties for North Sea X ECBM/UCG - real absorption capacity of coal as function of depth and permeability X Environment Risk of leakage X Dispersion following leakage X Impact of leaks on eco systems X Impacts of seepage on shallow marine systems X Public perception issues X

APG TF Concluding remarks Importance of clean use of fossil fuels - a critical transitional issue in getting to a sustainable energy future - an essential part of the portfolio Importance of accelerating the take-up of CCS - CCS Competition is good news but need more focus on deployment covering whole chain – capture, transport and storage (many of a kind) - Must involve whole innovation chain for all key technologies Importance of addressing issue worldwide -use of high efficiency technologies -retrofitting of high efficient coal plant with CCS to avoid carbon lock-in -new build CCS No time to lose …..urgent for action