Status Report # 1 Home Security Wire Protection System Ronald, Robert, Orlando, Jaime An interfacing module to communicate with previously designed protective case.
Overall Need and Design Milestones OVERALL NEED: To protect the communication lines of any home security system preventing intrusion. DESIGN MILESTONES: Develop Detailed Schematics for interface (On going) Receive sample code and sample products from Mr. Poston (Mid February) Order a Development Board for PIC Microcontroller so as not to waste time manufacturing our own ( 1/29/09) Meet with Travis Poston for updates on UL certification and other business oriented happenings. (1/31/09)
Completed Tasks Phone Conference with Mr. Poston where we received vital information concerning sample code and possible free products. (1/22/09) Worked on Coding ideas as well as researched Modem interfacing and PIC Design (1/23/09) Researched and discussed possible backup power supplys (1/22/09)
Pending/Ongoing Tasks Develop Functional Code to link modem with microcontroller. Test protective case in all possible environments it might encounter. Develop Comparator circuit to trigger on a change in current received from a damaged or removed case.
Tasks to Begin Next Week Begin writing code in C language for PIC (2/4/09) Receive Information from Mr. Poston concerning UL guidelines (2/3/09) Begin intensively testing case in multiple environments. (2/6/09)