2: PIRATA ( Pilot Research moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic ) ( ?) Tripartite Programme as a contribution to CLIVAR, GCOS and GOOS : - FRANCE (IRD & Météo-France) - BRAZIL (INPE & DHN) - USA (NOAA/PMEL & AOML) * : « Pilote » period * : Consolidation period : continuation… PIRATA has actually been under review process (positive…) by CLIVAR and Ocean Observations Panel for Climate -OOPC- in : New Memorandum of Understanding Define the commitments of the partners for the next years… Photo: A.Kartavtseff
PIRATA evolution from 1997 until now PIRATA ATLAS buoys network in October 2005 (Brazilian SW extension => 13 buoys) PIRATA ATLAS buoys network from June 2006 US NorthEast extension along 23°W (carried out by NOAA, R/V Ron Brown in June 2006 ) BCLME & South Africa SouthEast extension at 6°S-8°E (carried out by IRD, R/V L’Atalante in June 2006) => 16 ATLAS buoys actually operationnal First PIRATA ATLAS buoys network in 1997 (12 then 10 buoys)
PIRATA network status: Maintained by Brazil: 8 Atlas buoys Maintained by France : 6 Atlas buoys + At 23°W-Equator : surface ADCP mooring since 2001 Maintained by USA : 4 Atlas buoys : 2 deployed in 2006, at 4N & 11N/23W, 2 at 20N/23W & 38W will be deployed in 2007 Ocean Sites reference flux (swr, lwr, rh, air T, SLP).
PIRATA EXTENSIONS real time data time series 8s 30w14s 32w19s 34w 12n 23w4n 23w6s 8w
Oceanic cruises in 2006 (carried out in the framework of AMMA, PIRATA & CLIVAR…) 1) FRENCH ATALANTE / EGEE 3 cruise (East of the basin) : May 24 – July 6, ) GERMAN METEOR cruise (West and central basin) : May 23 – July 16, ) US RON BROWN cruise (North and central basin) : June 6 – July 9, ) BR ANTARES cruise (Western basin): November 16 – December 21,
New 10 m Velocity Data U and V at 0°, 23°WMeridional Velocity along 23°W 0° 4°N 11.5°N From: McPhaden (2006)
PIRATA Data Return (Real-Time) Oct 2005-Sept 2006 From: McPhaden (2006)
PIRATA Real-Time Data Return Oct 2005-Sept 2006 Air TSSTT(Z)Wind % Data Return RHRainSWRSalinity % Data Return Currents (6 sites) LWR (2 sites) AirP (2 sites) All Sensors % Data Return % From: McPhaden (2006)
Increased GTS Hourly PIRATA Met Data Argos Multi-sat initiated Feb 2005 PIRATA Field Season begins May 2005 PIRATA Field Season begins May 2006 From: McPhaden (2006)
Oceanic cruises in May-July During the three quasi-simultaneous cruises: a) radiosounding profiles have been transmitted in real time by GTS (=> ECMWF…) b) temperature XBT profiles (0-800m) + temperature/salinity CTD profiles (0-500 or 1000m) have been transmitted in quasi-real time (at least daily) (also for CORIOLIS/ARGO and MERCATOR/GODAE projects). (radiosoudings at least twice a day from each vessel => about 250 profiles) (XBT profiles every ½° to 1° from Atalante and Ron Brown => about 250 profiles) (CTD profiles every ½° along meridional sections at 35°W, 23°W, 10°W, 3°E and 6°E => about 300 profiles) 1) Real time data:
International Contacts: Members of the PIRATA International Scientific Steering Committee: Co-chairs: - Bernard Bourlès (IRD, France): (resp.PIRATA France) - Edmo Campos (USP, Brazil): Vice-chair: - Rick Lumpkin (NOAA, USA): (resp. PIRATA US) & - Paulo Nobre (CPTEC, Brazil): (resp. PIRATA Brazil) - Moacyr Araujo (LOFEC, - Mike McPhaden (NOAA, - Lisan Yu (WHOI, - Fabrice Hernandez (IRD, France): - Serge Planton (Météo-France):