The Royal Academy of Engineering: Our perspective on CCS Dr Alan Walker Policy Advisor, The Royal Academy of Engineering
The Academy We are Britain’s national academy of engineering, bringing together the country’s most eminent engineers from all disciplines. Strategic Priorities: Leading Debate “…influence public policy making; provide a forum for the mutual exchange of ideas; and pursue effective engagement with society on matters within our competence.” Lord Browne of Madingley’s Presidential Priorities: Climate Change and Energy Poverty Reduction Health and Wellbeing Need to find practical and feasible engineering solutions
Government Stern Review: “Policies are required to support the development of a range of low-carbon and high-efficiency technologies on an urgent timescale.” UK Climate Change Bill: This will put into statute targets to reduce emissions of CO2 by at least 60% by 2050 relative to 1990 UK demonstration plant competition: Project to demonstrate post-combustion CCS on a coal fired (300MW) power plant with offshore storage by 2014 BUT… Coal reserves of approximately 164 years, mainly in USA, China, Russia and India In 2006, 38% of electricity supplied in the UK was generated from coal (Dukes)
IEA World Energy Outlook The Reference Scenario: World Primary Energy Demand © OECD/IEA - 2007
IEA World Energy Outlook The Alternative Policy Scenario CO2 Reductions © OECD/IEA - 2007
IEA World Energy Outlook Beyond the Alternative Policy Scenario © OECD/IEA - 2007
CO2 Capture & Storage Workshop Co-hosted by the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the IEA Coal Industry Advisory Board on 7 & 8 Nov 2008 “Failure to succeed with CCS would force painful and perhaps unmanageable policy choices between pursuing energy security and addressing climate change. In this respect, CCS emerges as an indispensable part of the solution.”