Song of Roland Old French, Earliest version from c Basque attack on rearguard of Charlemagne’s army in Pyrenees in 778
Geoffrey of Monmouth (c ), History of the Kings of Britain, c Chrétien de Troyes (fl ), various romances about King Arthur’s knights, incl. Lancelot, or the Knight of the Cart, written for Marie de Champagne
Courtly Love Honour through devotion to a lady, usually someone else’s wife! Generally unrequited Difficult to assess actual impact of courtly love values on knightly behaviour
Romance of the Rose (1230s-70s) By Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun Jean de Meun’s section incl. treatises on various topics incl. love, sex, marriage, women Graphic “plucking” of Rose
Fabliaux: Comic, often bawdy tales intended to entertain and instruct
The Golden Legend (c. 1260) By Jacobus de Voragine (1228/30-98) Compilation of lives of saints, as well as events in lives of Christ and Virgin Mary
Religious Drama Miracle Plays: based on saints’ lives Mystery Plays: based on Bible stories Morality Plays: incl. personifications of virtues and vices (e.g. Wisdom, Anger, Folly, Sloth, etc.)
Developments in religious music: vernacular, polyphony Increase in pilgrimages Shepherds’ Crusade of 1251 Flagellants in Italy and S. Germany from 1260
Feast of Corpus Christi: Originally promoted by mystic Juliana of Cornillon (c ) 1264 Instituted by papacy By 1370 being celebrated with processions and dramatic performances Reports of miracles linked to Eucharistic Hosts
9th-10th c. Start of large-scale church building in Middle Ages, starting in N. Italy Builders following model of Byzantine (Roman) basilicas = Romanesque style NaveAislesTransept ChoirApseAmbulatory
barrel vaultgroin vault/cross vault Gothic styleflying buttress
Jacobus de Voragine (1228/30-98) Italian (Varraze, near Genoa) 1244 Joins Dominican Order 1292 Becomes Bishop of Genoa Various works: sermons on Gospel readings, saints’ days, Virgin Mary; chronicle of Genoa; and Legenda Aurea (Golden Legend) - compilation of lives of saints, as well as events in lives of Christ and Virgin Mary
Chrétien de Troyes (fl ) Know almost nothing about him. Associated with court of Marie de Champagne, daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine May have visited England. Spent some years in 1180s at court of Marie’s cousin Philip of Alsace Wrote five Arthurian romances: Erec and Enide; Cligés; Yvain, or the Knight with the Lion; Perceval/The Story of the Grail; and Lancelot, or the Knight of the Cart. Last two unfinished