HIGH SCHOOL??? Possible Curriculum Pathways for 8 th Grade Students Enrolled in Algebra I
Traditional Education before 21 st Century Changes Article: “The Single Best Idea for Reforming Education K-12 Author: Steve Denning
Common Core State Standards New Focus on Education Article: “The Single Best Idea for Reforming Education K-12 Author: Steve Denning
SOME THINGS TO CONSIDER Common Core State Standards Semester classes vs. year long classes Honors classes in high school College Admission Standards
Common Core State Standards The new standards support improved curriculum and instruction due to increased: FOCUS, via critical areas at each grade level COHERENCE, through carefully developed connections within and across grades CLARITY, with precisely worded standards that cannot be treated as a checklist RIGOR, including a focus on College and Career Readiness and Standards for Mathematical Practice throughout Pre-K-12 (Common Core State Standards – page 3-4)
Yearlong Courses vs. Semester Courses Middle School – 50 Minute Classes for 180 Days = 9000Minutes Difference – 900 min approx 20 days more of instruction 1 section per day with review time per lesson High School – 90 Minute Classes for 90 Days = 8100 Minutes Difference – 900 min approx 10 days less of instruction Example: 2 sections per day, little to no review time Absences have greater impact on learning Homework
Honors Classes in High School Students may take numerous honors classes per semester - Increased workload Rigorous, fast paced Students are more responsible for their own learning
College Admission Standards - UNCCH “To be smart is good. To translate your smarts into great learning—and the good grades that go along with it—is even better. The more you learn, the better your chances of earning a place at a great school. In addition to strong grades, competitive colleges will hope to see you taking at least one course in each of the five core disciplines—English, math, lab science, social science, and foreign language—right through to the end of your senior year. And we also hope that you will take advantage of other opportunities available to you— honors, Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, and summer programs at the local university, for example.” (UNCCH Admissions page)
College Admissions Requirements Colleges look for honors courses but they expect good grades in those courses. “At the same time, it’s fair to say that we seek excellence using a variety of information – courses, grades, test scores, recommendations, essays-to help assess performance and potential.” (UNCCH Admissions – Quick Fact Sheet)