Uintah School District Drug Free Workplace
This policy, intended for all employees of Uintah School District, states that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of a controlled substance is strictly prohibited.
Components of a Drug-Free Workplace include…
a statement notifying employees of each unlawful action that would result in their termination;
a pamphlet (now available online) explaining the harmful physical and mental effects of drug abuse and how it hampers one’s productivity in order that each employee may fully understand the importance of their compliance with this policy; and…
a statement describing the penalties to be imposed upon employees drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace.
This information shall be communicated to employees by giving them a copy of the Drug-Free Workplace Policy and discussing it in an appropriate manner in a preschool staff meeting on an annual basis.
All employees shall acknowledge receipt of this policy and related information by signing a copy of a compliance statement (now available to print off the district website) which will remain on file throughout the year.
Please refer to Uintah School District Policy for additional information on Drug-Free Workplace