HEARTSCAPE: FAITH & SPIRITUALITY THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY About The Facilitator Fr. Stephen Cuyos is a Missionary of the Sacred Heart ( His photographs are the expression of his passion for life and commitment to God. His eye has developed through years of exploring faith and spirituality through photography. He spent three and a half years ( ) in Rome, Italy, where he finished a bachelor's and a master's degree in mass communications, major in Television. Today he divides his time between conducting photography and video workshops, creating websites, and promoting Linux and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). He works full time as a production and training specialist at the Communication Foundation for Asia ( An impassioned Catholic priest, Fr. Stephen brings his faith as well as his experiences in photography and video to his workshops, recollections and retreats. His website address is Some of his photos can be found here:
Photographs tell stories and can connect us to our inner essence, to our spiritual lives. The process of making photos, and the photos themselves, bring revelations about who we are, about the world we live in, and about God. Designed for people wishing to explore faith and spirituality through photography, this recollection/workshop is a journey of commitment, discovery and enrichment. Taking photos, praying, journaling, and group discussions will redefine the way you look at some aspects of life. Our time will be divided between immersing ourselves in the art of photography, engaging in meditative silence, as well as group sharing our reflections. You will learn the basics of photography in order for you to create evocative and meaningful images. Participants who bring an openness to venture into new territory will surely begin to see the universe as a heartscape. HEARTSCAPE: FAITH & SPIRITUALITY THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY
Who Should Attend This recollection/workshop is for anyone who wish to explore and reinvigorate their faith and spirituality through photography and prayer. Prior experience in photography is not required. What To Bring 1. A personal journal 2. A bible 3. A digital camera What To Expect The recollection/workshop focuses on three major components: spiritual, visual, and creative. The facilitator will give an input on the basics of photography and share his reflections on the Spirituality of the Heart. It will be an experience to draw upon for a lifetime. HEARTSCAPE: FAITH & SPIRITUALITY THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY