autotrophs Autotrophs make their own food, by using the sun. The sun causes the plants to make photosynthesis. By Tony Curtis (7A)
pigment The pigment is on the plants and trees because of the leaves. All leaves have pigment. Pigment is color that forms on the leaves because of the environment changes. Wow, that's cool!
chlorophyll Is a green pigment found in all plants and trees. When photosynthesis happens, the chlorophyll gives the plants energy to survive.
Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process when plants take in nutrients and use it to their life. The life of plants depend on photosynthesis to keep the plants alive. Plant can only do this process when the sun is on the plants.
heterotrophs Human are heterotrophs because we don’t make food from our own body. We are not autotrophs. Babies and other types of animals are not autotrophs either.
stomata A stomata are small openings on a leaf through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can move. Pg.89
web Prentice hall life science\discovery channel\online Thank you for watching By Tony Curtis (7A)