Maggie’s Mom, Henry & Jonathan’s Mom Coordinator, Lifelong Jewish Fairmount Temple 3 rd grade Hebrew, middle school Plan overnight retreats, adult education & holiday celebrations Member of City Council, Shaker Heights
Election CANDIDATE November 2011 City Counci l Not School Board CAMPAIGN
What do you already know? IB theme: ‘How we organize ourselves’ People group together, organize themselves in different ways and choose leaders. In Shaker Heights, a city of about 29,000 people, chooses leaders every two years in elections. There are a total of 7 Council Members, a Mayor and a Municipal Judge.
6 th grade student council [Lost 9 th grade class Treasurer election] grade student council Leadership roles in Wrestling team; Choir [Lost dorm president at college] East Green Council President; Student Senate Vice-Pres. BA degree in Political Science MA degree in American Politics & Policy
Community organizer in Iowa Worked on more than 45 campaigns To elect other people I admired. [Lost city council race in Iowa City, Iowa 1997] League of Women Voters-Shaker Heights President Boulevard PTO President City Council Shaker Heights Nov 2011
I like to go to yoga classes. I drink coffee all day. I have two cats. My favorite movie is The Sound of Music. I speak modern Hebrew, and can read and translate ancient Hebrew that is more than 2,000 years old. I have five kids. I grew up about 13 blocks from Boulevard school.
, To get my job, I had to win an election.
Role of City Council Legislative Executive Judicial Making law Carrying out the law Enforcing the law Safety services (police, fire, EMS, traffic management), snow removal, street maintenance, trash, parks & recreation, planning for the future.
Part-time on Council When we have meetings, they are held at City Hall, the big building across from the Police Station. The laws that we make help keep Shaker Heights a great place to live that is safe, clean, beautiful and welcoming for all kinds of people.
City Council vs. the School Board We have different jobs. We are elected in different elections. We have different budgets and sources of tax funds to operate. The school board works only on creating rules for the school system. BUT, we talk and collaborate on issues that make sense, like how many sports fields we have or when to ask for tax increases.