Data Collections Overview Data Collection Cycles Timelines Process Usage Data Elements used for CTAE Report Race/Ethnicity Changes
State law Federal law Program Evaluation GaDOE Board Rule
Pre-ID Labels (3 cycles) Student Course Profile (1 cycle) FTE Data Survey (1 cycle) FTE (3 cycles) Class Size (2 cycles) EIP Make Whole (1 cycle) CPI (3 cycles) Private School (1 cycle) Free/Reduced Meal (1 cycle) Student Record (1 cycle) GTID 17 cycles plus GTID 2010 Data Collections
Pre-ID LabelsAugust, November, February Course ProfileSeptember, November, January FTE Data SurveySeptember FTEOctober, December, March Class SizeOctober, March EIP Make WholeOctober CPIOctober, May, July Private SchoolNovember Free/Reduced LunchNovember Student RecordJanuary-June
Data reporting requirements Determined and communicated to district coordinators Communicated to SIS vendors Posted to the GaDOE website Data Collections workshops held during summer Elluminate (video conference) Sessions held throughout the year
Data uploaded to GaDOE database via web Data Validated Process continues until all errors are resolved Reports are reviewed by district and school-level staff Superintendent signs-off
Data Uploaded Data Validated Error Correction Review Reports Sign Off Process Overview of Data Collections
Data Usage FTE Funding Training and Experience Dollars Federal Reports Program Evaluation Legislators and other state officials Open Records Request Audits Average Yearly Progress
What is FTE? Data collected for state funding that is based on student enrollment and education services provided by local school systems to students.
Why do we collect FTE data? O.C.G.A The initial enrollment count shall be made after October 1 but prior to November 17 and the final enrollment count after March 1 but prior to May 1. The report shall indicate the student´s specific assigned program for each one-sixth segment of the school day on the designated reporting date.
FY09 FTE Program Codes and Weights FTE Funding (How Data Equates to Dollars) Program Code Category/ProgramWeight A Kindergarten B Grades C Grades Grades 6-8 (Middle Grades Program) D Grades E Kindergarten (EIP) F Primary Grades 1-3 EIP G 4-5 Grades EIP
Program Code Category/Program Weight H Grades 6-8 (Middle School Program) I Gifted Education J Remedial Education K Vocational Lab M Postsecondary Options (Dual Credit) N/A N Study Hall (Non-state funded)N/A OOther (Non-state funded)N/A FY09 FTE Program Codes and Weights FTE Funding (How Data Equates to Dollars)
Vocational lab weight (PROGRAM CODE = “K”) may be assigned to the state-approved vocational courses that meet the following general criteria. Note: JROTC and Military Science are included among the courses eligible for vocational weight. Replacement costs of equipment and materials are at least 50 percent higher than those needed for a regular general education class. This criterion does not apply to cooperative work-study laboratories, pre-apprenticeship programs and apprenticeship programs. Students spend a minimum of 25 percent of the instructional time in ‘hands-on” activities. All equipment, software, materials, etc. used in the lab are in place and operational on the day of the FTE count. Students are enrolled in grades 9 through 12.
Students enrolled in state-approved vocational cooperative work programs may earn FTE credit for a maximum of three segments of vocational lab weight for the instructional day, including the related classroom instruction segment. The students may or may not receive compensation for work performed on the job. The segments of related classroom instruction may be assigned vocational lab weight (PROGRAM CODE = “K”) if the following criteria are met. An education/work agreement between the school and employer was on file. The student receiving on-the-job training is supervised by the certified cooperative instructor who teaches the student in class. The instructor must not be scheduled to teach a class during the supervision time. The segments of on-the-job training are coded regular high school weight of “D.”
FTE Weight Voc. Lab # of FTE’s 100 Base Amount FY 2009 $ x x = ~Allotment $308,494.30
Student Record provides a year-end, cumulative record of student program participation and various activities for the entire school year.
System School Student Course Discipline Enrollment Special Education Program Address
Data Validation Process Business Rules used for data integrity Reports Provided Immediately Six-month window of opportunity to get it right
Fiscal Year (student) System Id (student) Student Id (student) Gender (student) Race/Ethnicity**** (student) Age (calculated as of September 1 st ) (student) Grade Level (student)
Withdrawal code (Enrollment) Withdrawal date (Enrollment) Retention Flag (Student) Date Entered 9 th grade (Student) Graduation Program of Study (Student) ELL status (Student) Remedial Ed Subject Code (Student)
Special needs code (Student) Primary Area of Exceptionality (Student) Special Ed Exit Event Code (Special Ed) Free and Reduced Lunch code (Student) Diploma Type earned (Enrollment) Completed Course Data (Course)
Assessment data Technical College System of Georgia University System of Georgia Department of Labor
Data Entry person at school-level Student Record Coordinator Student Information System (SIS) Standardized Report used for verification of data
School level Review class roster Ensure students are coded accurately District Level Communicate with Student Record Coordinator Request reports
Race / Ethnicity coding requirements New federal regulations Two question format Are you Hispanic? Yes or No AND Select all that apply: White Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Black American Indian Asian
SCENARIOETHNICITYRACE(S)FEDERAL REPORTING CATEGORY Determined as a Result of Race/Ethnicity Reported by Respondents 1 For Hispanic and any one race, Hispanic/LatinoAsianHispanic/Latino 2 For Hispanic and any combination of races, Hispanic/LatinoAsian Black or African American Hispanic/Latino 3 For Non-Hispanic and any one race, Not Hispanic/LatinoNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 4 For Non-Hispanic and any combination of races, Not Hispanic/LatinoAmerican Indian or Alaska Native White Two or more races 10/18/2015 Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools “We will lead the nation in improving student achievement.” 29