Bell Ringer – 4/3/08 In paragraph form, explain the Harlem Renaissance. Describe what you believe were the goals of African-American artists, writers, and musicians in Harlem during the 1920s and 1930s
Marcus Garvey ► Jamaican man who preached racial pride & Christian faith and for black people around the world to “unite” ► Established the “Black Star Line” – a group of steam ships to bring Americans back to Africa ► Red, Green, Black flag = blood, land, & race
UNIA ► UNIA stood for the “Universal Negro Improvement Association” ► It was a black nationalist movement started by Garvey in 1914 ► Encouraged people of African descent to celebrate their culture, history, and heritage in a world that made them feel inferior
A. Phillip Randolph ► College-educated, dignified, well-dress journalist who lived in Harlem ► He was recruited to lead the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters – a union for black porters working on Pullman (fancy train) cars ► “Service not servitude”