Implications of the new federal requirements for schools. July 2009 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Districts must collect data via a 2-part question format (respondents answer BOTH parts): 1. Is this student Hispanic or Latino? (Choose only one) No, Not Hispanic or Latino Yes, Hispanic or Latino 2. Is this student: (Choose one or more. You must select at least one.) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White
Self-identification must always be encouraged. If student & parent choices conflict, the parent’s choice should be used. ◦ Most consistent and accurate mode of racial and ethnic data collection. ◦ Method most socially acceptable and respectful of individual privacy and dignity (1997 OMB Standards). ◦ Allows individual to assert his/her own racial and ethnic identity.
Regulations indicate that identification of a student’s racial and ethnic categories is to be made primarily by the parents or guardians. If a parent declines, but the student volunteers to self-identify, that data should be used. The completion or non-completion of the race/ethnicity data on an enrollment form should never prevent any child from enrolling in a school/district.
Is it OK to help a student or parent decide how to classify him- or herself? No. District or school staff should not tell a student, a parent, or a staff member how to answer these questions
What should we do if we believe that a student or a staff member is of a different race or ethnicity than he/she claims to be? The school or district must accept an individual’s self-identification of his or her race and ethnicity. Self-identification is a basic principle underlying these changes. ◦ Note: It is suggested that at the elementary and secondary level the race/ethnicity identification is made primarily by parents or guardians.
Identification by district and school staff Should be used only as a last resort. Used only when a student/parent or staff member declines to self-identify. May not yield data as accurate as self- identification. Places additional burden on school and district.
Managing an Identity Crisis: Forum Guide to Implementing New Federal Race and Ethnicity Categories. Link from DPI FAQ
District policy should indicate steps to be taken before identification is used. Steps may include such things as: ◦ Review enrollment form with parent at registration. ◦ Send second letter or make phone call to follow-up with parent. ◦ Let parent/student know that district is required to provide information to state and so identification by district and school staff will be used if they refuse to self-identify. ◦ Let parent/student know that district will maintain confidentiality of individual race and ethnicity records.
One administrator per school should be designated to make an identification on student’s/staff member’s behalf. ◦ Improves the consistency of the data collection process. ◦ Avoids confusion and identifies authority.
There is no federal requirement to flag the record if identification by district or school staff was used in lieu of self-identification. Districts may choose to maintain this information for their own purposes. Identification by District or School Staff
Should not tell student/parent or staff member how to respond. Should stay within his/her comfort zone, making the best judgment possible. It is important to be consistent and make judgments objectively. May use prior record, sibling information, or first-hand knowledge of country of birth, if available. Final Guidance from the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) on “Maintaining, Collecting, and Reporting Racial and Ethnic Data” Race / Ethnicity FAQ Sample Letter to Parents Sample Letter to Educators Managing an Identity Crisis: Forum Guide to Implementing New Federal Race and Ethnicity Categories. (2008). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC.